Chapter 25

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As a few months past my stomach grew bigger. I'm at my last month! So that means 6 more weeks till Brit is here! Zayn and I painted her room pink and put the things that needs to be in the room. It's cute. I mean a pink room with her name written on it? We had to be honest...didn't have a baby shower. I know, I know I should've had one like last month but I was so busy to plan one, don't worry though I planned one today though! Its today at 2 and right now it's 9 am.

I have to get an outfit for Zayn, Carly and I and get mine and Carly's hair done. I called Carly over to the car and buckled her up in her car seat and turned on the little tv up on the ceiling and put in a movie Last month Zayn & I bought a white mini van because my car broke down and couldn't be fix it's a pain in the butt getting used to this when I had my old car for like three years.

"You ready to pick out clothes for today?" I asked sweetly to Carly.

"Yeah!!!" She cheered. I took the keys out of my purse and searched for the right key. On the third time on putting a key in I finally gotten the right key I waited for Zayn and drove out of the concrete driveway and onto the road.

"Mommy, I want this!" Carly said picking up a bag of toys of the rack. "Please?"

I chuckled, "Alright put it in the cart."

She squealed and reached her small arm over the cart and dropped the toys in.

Walking down the girl clothes section I searched for clothes that will go along the with the theme. Well our little theme so we sorta match with same colors...yeah actually that's sounds stupid. I'll just pick anything not something's that's out of place with every one else.

I backed up to go back to a pair of clothes that caught my eye, I didn't look where I was going and accidentally bumped into a woman.

"Oops sorry," I apologized making her drop a pair of clothes. I tried to bend down and pick up the clothes up for her, she was pregnant as well so if I can't pick it up she probably couldn't either.

"It's ok," She said looking up at my face. "Emma?"

I looked up and was shocked. "Jade?!"

"Oh my God it's you!" she said warmly.

I got up and gave her a hug. "Its been a long time! Your stunning! And your pregnant as well thats so amazing," I said fighting to hold back the tears.

"Same back at you! I didn't know you were pregnant! How many months are you?" Jade asked beginning to cry.

"9 months, Brit Rose Malik will arrive on December 8th!" I told her with enthusiasm.

"Wow your coming up quick I'm only 7 months, I better get going," she said waving goodbye.

"Jade wait!" I called.

"Yeah?" She answered stopping.

"You see we don't have a God mother yet for Brit...would you like to be hers?" I asked looking back at Zayn hoping he'll nod eventually he did.

Her face brightened up, "I'd love too! I'll text ya I have to go." Just like that she was gone.


Back at the house we slipped on our outfits for the day. I decided to wear a white dress were the skirt part went up to my knee caps and wore a small Jean jacket over the dress. Zayn picked out whatever he decided to wear and I picked out a black shirt and a white skirt for Carly.

Carly and I got our hair done at a salon and once we got back the part had started.

Zayn's parents and family finally came down so of course they are coming, along with the boys and some friends. And the person I thought of inviting right when I started planning this out was....Bella Lynch! I had to invite her for two reasons. 1. She's my friend and 2. She's under a lot of stress and I thought this could help her out. I hope it does.

I hope she comes.

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