Chapter 8

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After the kiss we looked at each other. Direct eye contact again. That made me love him even more.

I got this warm feeling that this is so the life that I need. I laid my head on his chest. Hearing his heart beat made me relax and I smelt his cologne. God I love the smell of cologne!

Zayn looked down at me and let go. He smiled and kissed me once more on the cheek.

"" He blurted during my thoughts.

"Yes Zayn?" I asked.

"Emma...I love you. Your such a beautiful girl, Will you go out with me?" He asked.

"Omg! Are you serious?! Yes! Definitely a yes!" I shrieked. I gave him a big hug which he gave back.

Our hug lasted about three minutes. Then we embraced the big warm hug of ours. Zayn went over to the grocery bags where we laid them on the wooden floor. He started to put the stuff away. I smiled, I'm a lucky girl. Again like I said before, this is the life I deserve. Zayn handed me my pair of sandals that I bought to replace my old ones and I quickly dropped them on the floor and swiped out my phone, I messaged Jade and told her about what happened. And whoa she was super happy for me! She started congratulating me on what my life is like now and all those sorts of stuff. I turned off my phone and set it next to the loaf of bread where Zayn had set it.

"I'm gonna watch TV," I told Zayn as walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." Zayn called back.

I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels to see what show is on. Finally, I got to my favorite show! Pit Bulls and Parolees which is on Animal Planet. I leaned against the back rest and lifted up my legs onto the coffee table.

Zayn came in few minutes later. He came over and stepped over my legs and sat in the couch next to me. He did one of those moves where he will pretend to yawn and stretched his arm around me. He pulled me close to him and kissed my head. We sat and watched the show as Tia rescues a Pit Bull that was chained up in the yard, with her ribs showing. It was sad seeing the pit bull suffer. Tears rolled down my eyes and Zayn wiped them away. It was time that I eventually drifted off to sleep even though it was in the evening.

Zayn's POV

I watched Emma as she slept. It was cute seeing her fall asleep on my again. I reached out and grabbed a blanket and laid it over her. I love Emma. She's the one that I love so much.

After an hour, Emma was still sleeping. I quietly and carefully laid her down on the arm rest. She tugged at the blanket to pull it up more close to her face. I got up and walked quietly to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom to brush out my messy hair.

I listened to one of my songs that I knew she loved. It was Steal My Girl. I whistled out the song but did it quietly.

Emma coughed and turned over to her left side facing the back rest. I went in the kitchen to start making dinner so when she wakes up dinner will be all set for her so she won't have to wait for it to be done. I chose to make BLTs for her because I learned that it was her number one favorite food.

Emma's POV

I woke up by the smell of bacon on the stove. It made my stomach growl. I got up and stretched, my back cracked which made me feel comfortable. I made my way into the kitchen to see Zayn making BLTs. My favorite!  I knew that because he had lettuce laid out and the tomatoes chopped up and he had bacon on the stove.

"Had a good nap?" He asked.

"Eh, it was okay." I said taking a seat at the table.

I put the bread in the toaster so it will be faster when he's done cooking the bacon. Zayn handed me the bacon and went over to the counter. I started making the BLTs.

He started setting the table and started filling up the glasses with water.

"Hey Zayn can I have pop instead? I'm not in the mood for water haha," I laughed. He nodded and dumbed out the water and went to his black, yet shiny fridge and pulled out a bottle of pop off the shelf.

I went over to the table and set the sandwiches on our plates. We sat down and ate. And boy it tasted good!

After dinner I hopped into the shower. In the shower I thought about how my life will be. Will I be with Zayn forever? Will there be a happy ending? Well, I hope so! I gently stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. This is my life, I gotta start living it before it's to late I told myself. I got dressed in my new warm pjs and walked out the door. As I walked out I called Oliver over so I could let him outside. Oliver came running out of my room bumping into my leg and ran to the deck door.

"Calm down Oliver, Jeez," I laughed.

I opened the door and Oliver ran outside. He must've needed to go to the bathroom even though I let him out like an hour ago. I closed the Deck door and watched Oliver as he chased a squirrel up a tree. Zayn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my skinny waist. I looked up and smiled as I put my hands up on his. We stood and watch the stary night sky sparkle over us.

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