Chapter 17

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"Oof" I groaned as I crashed onto the couch on the tour bus.

"Tired?" Zayn asks.

"Yup! Gosh now I know how you all feel after your concerts," I grunted putting my face into the nice cool pillow.

The boys sat down and looked at me. "What?" I laughed putting my legs on Zayn's.

"Nothing, you need water?" Niall asks politely.

"Yes please," I called as he went over to the mini fridge. Niall came back with a nice cold water as what normal celebrities will do...well I'm not a celebrity. They would open the bottle and maybe chug it.

I sat up and nonstop drinking the water. "Dang girl does Zayn ever give you anything to drink?" Harry teased.

"Of course he does, it w as my first time on stage with hundreds of people staring at me and the hot lights shining down on me," I laughed holding the cold water bottle up to my forehead as if I wouldn't let go.

We all laughed while Zayn explained to me on what they do on tours and stuff but I was lost on my own thoughts. Do I really want to be in the band? I mean I don't know if I'm ready... yes I know that I said I will join but not now. Ahh I don't know what to do!

"Emma?" Zayn interrupted.

"Huh? What?" I said quickly.

"Do you understand now?" He asks.

I looked at everyone and they all smiled. "Um...yeah"


We finally got home. I'm not tired anymore since I fell asleep on the way here.

I let out Oliver and gave Oliver and Chester more food and water since they were running low. As always Chester came running in meowing nonstop when he heard the food going in the container.

I went into my room afterwards to finish unpacking three more boxes that were piled up in the corner of my room. I took off the first box that was labeled Pictures. Taking it down, I sat down and pulled out a pair of scissors is used one of the sides to cut the box open. One it was open I began pulling out hand fulls of pictures out and placing them into piles on the floor.

"Need help?" Asks Zayn who was in the door way making his way over to where I was sitting. I nodded and we started pulling out pictures.

Zayn was looking at pictures that were already placed on the floor. "Who's this?" He asks picking up the paper, I looked over his shoulder and saw me hugging a tall slender guy.

I smiled, "that's my older brother...he's in the army and is in Afghanistan right now," I explained to him. "I wish he was here right now though, I haven't seen him for almost a year now," Tears started to cloud up in my eyes.

"Ah that must suck, I'm pretty sure he's think of your right now," Said Zayn giving me a hug.

When we were all done Zayn walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I started putting some picture up on bed room wall and put the rest over in my closet. I walked out of the room and shut off the light it was getting late right now and I still needed to eat. When I got to the kitchen I heard Zayn talking on the phone to someone, not wanting to interrupt I backed up so he can't see me and listened to what he was saying. I felt bad for doing this but I just want to make sure he wasn't talking to another girl.

"Ok, alright thank you so much!" Zayn thanked the person then hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked as I entered the kitchen pretending I wasn't listening.

"Oh just a friend," he said.

"Oh ok." I smiled by the tell of his voice he sounds normal.

I went to the fridge and took leftover meat from last night and ate.


The sun was shining bright the next day as I took a walk on the beach trying to hide my disguise. Even though it wasn't that hard since I wasn't that famous but still. I stayed on the beach for an hour and went back home. Zayn seemed excited for something but I didn't want to say anything.

I went into the bathroom to fix up my messy hair and put it up into a messy bun. The sound of the doorbell rang and I heard Zayn said something.

"Emma! Its for you!" He shouted on the bottom of the stairs.

Confused, I walked out of the bathroom to see who it was.

"Omg!" I began to cry.

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