Chapter 16

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Zayn left the living room and headed towards that bathroom. The door slammed shut and I shot up from the couch. Zayn is in the bathroom and a sound of buzzing was going on. What is he doing?

I unraveled myself out of the blankets and tip-toed to the bathroom door. I knocked on the door and it creaked open slowly. There was Zayn, all of his hair on the bathroom floor. My mouth dropped,  his beautiful hair is gone!

"Y-you shaved your hair?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" He asked curiously.

I looked at him and shook my head, "no it's just shocking your hair is so beautiful," I laughed.

He laughed with me and looked back at the mirror brushing the last bits of hair off of his scalp.  I walked in and stared into the mirror. This is a new Zayn I need to start getting used this new style now. Then a frown spread across Zayn's face.

I looked up at him. "What's wrong?"

"Come with me," he sighed taking my hands and leading me into the living room.

"Your not kicking me out are you?" I panicked.

"Hell no,"he said as we got into the living room.

"Emma..." he began slowly. " I don't know how to say this but-"

"Oh no," I panicked.

"I quit the band," he sighed.

I froze, my mouth shot open. "You what?!"

"I quit the band Emma," he said sadly.

Tears started to roll down my eyes, "w-why?" I cried.

"Lots of things are going on, I've been stressed out lately with the tour going on and stuff," he said.

"Why didn't you tell me Zayn!" I cried standing up.

Zayn stood up and held my hands in his warm gentle hands, "I didn't want you to be worried and freak out."

I cried and buried my head in his chest. I soon calmed down and sat on the couch and stared at something random.

"You alright hon?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"The lads wanted me to ask you something," he began.

"What is it?" I asked.

Zayn took a deep breathe and smiled, "You know when you sang in the bus when we were coming here?" I nodded, "well since I'm not in the band they were wondering if you want to preform at a few concerts. What do you say?" He asks.

"Is it alright with you?" I asked.

"Totally," he agreed.

"Sure, I guess I'll try," I said.

He smiled, "That's my girl! I'll tell the lads about your agreement," he called.

I nodded, "I love you Zayn," I whispered.

"Love you to Emma" he said kissing me on the forehead.


So today is my first concert with the lads. I'm really excited right now but also nervous. What will the audience think? What if I mess up? I'm backstage right now with Zayn and the boys while I practice warming up.

Tonight I'm singing four songs. I'm singing one of their songs with them which is Fireproof. I'm also singing Wings by Little Mix as well as Little Me and I will Always Love you by Whitney Huston.

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