Chapter 4

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I'm halfway to Oregon. Just an estimate of 51 minutes until I get there. Surprisingly I'm not tired. I left the hotel in Nevada at 11:18am it's now 5:00pm. Since I drank the coffee I've been wide awake ever since.

I haven't had the radio on for a while. It was getting pretty boring in the car, all I can hear is Oliver whining and Chester meowing like crazy. I turned on the radio to KDWB my favorite radio station, followed be K102. It was a perfect timing. One Direction's song Night Changes was on. Once again Zayn Malik is the hottest. He has such a cute face! And his hair...oh his hair is perfect! I just hope one day I'll meet him. Face to Face. And seeing his cute smile.

*30 minutes later*

Finally, I looked at my phone and went on to maps and saw I only have 15 minutes to go until I'm in Oregon!

I'm kinda getting sleepy now. But I'm trying to stay awake until I'm Oregon. Then this time I'm just going to sleep on the streets, mainly because it's free. I do want to save all my money. I was digging in my glove box to look for Kleenex, I kept sneezing 3 times in a row. The there it was. My favorite One Direction CD album that I've been looking for forever. The album was Four.

I put the CD in the CD slot thing. And started the songs. I daydreamed about what it may be like to be face to Face with the 5 guys.

I finally arrived in Oregon! Its been 3 days and 4 hours since I left my home. It just started raining out. Great that's all I need. I now have to find a building that has a roof that hangs over for shelter. I finally found a gas station with what I wanted. I put my sleeping bags and pillows out then put the rest in my car. First of all, I don't really want to sleep in my car. Its a bit crowded with the cages and my suitcases.

I laid down an listened to the rain hit the tin roof of the gas station. That's my favorite sound to listen to! Then I started to drift off to sleep. When I closed my eyes for 3 minutes I felt a figure of an arm reaching out to me. I opened my eyes and I just froze. My jaw dropped and eyes opened. Standing in front of my was the man of my one and only Zayn Malik!! I just stared at him. I couldn't say anything.

He started to laugh, "Hey there darling. What brings you here in the rain sleeping?"

Omg, he called me darling! And his accent I just perfect. I finally to make out the words.

"Z-Zayn Malik?!...OMG! I can't believe your standing in front of me!" I started to cry of joy.

"Yes sweetheart it's me, you didn't answer my question," he laughed.

"Oh sorry, I ran away from my family from Nevada because the treat me like crap," I explained about dad and what he done.

"That is not ok to do to a beautiful girl like you," he said.

"Thanks so much, OMG sorry I just can't believe your here! Ugh I hate sleeping here," I complained and laughed.

"Hey, what to come over to my place and sleep there?" He questioned.

"Omg are you seriously?! Yes, yes. A definate yes!" I shrieked.

"Come on then, I just live a few miles down. I'm just on a walk, is that your car?" Zayn asked while pointing to my car.

"Yes, I can drive," I said. I quickly started packing up.

"Hah, Easy tiger. Why one you go in the car and I will pack for you?" he asked.

"Ok," I said. I went in my car and started the engine. I grabbed my phone and text Jade.

Me: Jade! Guess what?!
Jade: What???
Me: Zayn Malik is outside of my car helping me pack! He's letting me sleep at his house!!!
Jade: No way! Show me a pic now!
Jade: *sees pic* OMG!
Me: I gtg, text ya later!
Jade: Alright

Zayn set the bags in the backseat of my car, "hi cuties," he greeted to Oliver and Chester.

"That Oliver and Chester. Oliver is the dog and Chester is the cat." I pointed to them who were sniffing Zayn.

He got in my car and I pulled out of the parking lot. We chatted a bit. First I introduced myself.

When we arrived in his driveway, he showed me inside.

"Do u want to sleep on the couch or in the guest room? " Zayn asked gesturing to the areas.

I thought a bit then said, "Guestroom" please."

He showed me to the room and said goodnight.

This is the best day of my life.

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