Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up the the sound of birds fighting. It was so annoying, they've been doing this for a half an hour. So I opened the window and yelled, "Shut up, go fight somewhere else!"

I laughed afterwards. It was funny because after my message to them they flew away yelling at each other again. Well it doesn't seem that funny. Anyways, I got up and checked my phone, everyone on social media is talking about me and Zayn. Now my life might be busy!

I went to my radio and turned on a station to see what song is playing. As soon as I got to my favorite pop station, my favorite song literally just started it was Shake it Off. I really loved this song! I grabbed m hairbrush and pretend it was a microphone and started singing along. And wow I looked good!

"Emma Lauren Johnson, what in the world are you doing?" A voice laughed behind me. I spung around to see who it was. And there was Zayn standing in the door way laughing hard.

"Zayn Javadd Malik! Don't you know how to know?" I teased. I set down my brush and went over to hug him. He hugged me back and gave me a kiss on the head. I walked out and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"I'm just gonna have cereal. What are you having?" I asked walking to the white wooden cabinets to grab my favorite cereal of all timr, Captain Crunch.

"Same, I'm not in the mood for anything," He said taking a seat in front of me as I filled us a bowl of cereal.

"I'm gonna go to the mall later to buy new clothes, Do you want to come with?" I asked looking up as I handed him his bowl.

"Nah, I'll pass, the boys and I have practice before we preform in a few days. But make sure to be quite when you come in," Zayn smiled.

"Alright," I smiled back. As I finished up my bowl I rinsed it out and headed to let Oliver out. When Oliver walked out of my room he saw Zayn, like he always does he jumps up onto his lap and starts licking his face.

"Easy boy," Zayn laughed.

"C'mon boy let's get you outside to go potty," I added taking him from Zayn's lap and setting him outside. Dark clouds rolled in covering the sky.

"A thunderstorm is rolling in," Zayn said walking next to my side staring up at the sky.

"Yep!" I replied.

Ten minutes later it started pouring out. Thunder roamed above us and claps of lightning flashed across the sky. I was heading out to go to the car when a loud bang came from in the back yard and a sound of a tree falling. I ran up the stairs to find out that a tree fell in the yard next to our house, not a big tree though. Thank God that Zayn let Oliver back in before it happened! I walked back downstairs and headed out the door. I ran as fast as I can to my car door and got in. Thunder and Lightning flashed across the sky again. Honestly I don't like thunderstorms, they're cool but it's just I get nervous when there are trees next to the house or in the yard. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to the mall.

As soon as I pulled in the parking lot of the mall I parked in the nearest spot to the entrance way so I won't get soaked. The building was nice and warm when I walked in. I walked to my favorite clothing store and picked up a basket.

I roamed the aisles trying to find clothes that interest me. When I got to one aisle I bumped into a brown haired girl who seems about my age wearing an Aéropostale sweatshirt with the hood over her face.

"Oops I'm sorry," I apologized to her. She looked quite familiar.

"Its alright," she said. Her voice seemed familiar too and when she looked up at me her face rang the bell.

"Omg your Bella Lynch!" I shrieked.

"Yes, now please be quiet. I don't want to be noticed," she cooed.

"Sorry, Bella I'm your biggest fan! After I heard you sing during R5s concert I thought you were so amazing! Your voice is beautiful Bella," I complimented.

"Thanks! Are you Emma? The one who started dating Zayn Malik?" She asked.

"Yes I am," I smiled, "hey want to shop together?"

She smiled, "I'd love too!"

Bella and I walked around the mall and talking about our past life.

"Wow, yours is just like mine but different," Bella announced.

"Pretty much, yeah," I laughed. After we were done shopping we exchanged phone numbers.

"We should hang out sometime," I called to Bella as I walked to my car.

"Yeah we should," She smiled.

Then I drove home. I walked in the house and saw Zayn packing.

"Uh, Zayn? What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"We're movin' to California. I found a bigger house with a bigger yard for Oliver to play around in," He announced.

"Oh...ok," I sighed.

Zayn looked up at me and gave me a hug, "hon, trust me you'll love the new house, we're leaving tomorrow," he said.

"Tomorrow?!" I shouted, "Zayn, I won't be ready by tomorrow!"

"Emma, the boys are coming here to help us pack and their girls are coming with to help you," Zayn added.

"Oh ok, but what about your practice?" I asked.

"We're doing that tomorrow," he said.

The sound of Car doors slam came from outside. I went over to the window and peaked through the blinds. The boys are here with their girlfriends!

I ran to the door and opened it for them.

"Why hello there Emma!" Louis said giving me a hug.

"Omg hi!" I replied. I gave everyone hugs. I showed Nadine, Eleanor, Melissa and Sophia to my room.

"So how is it dating Zayn and living here with him?" Asked Nadine who is dating Harry.

"Wonderful! He treats me right," I smiled.

"Well I hope so! He's such a sweet guy, I can't see him hurting anyone." Eleanor laughed.

"Ha right?" I agreed.

She smile and folded my cloths and set them in boxes, "Totally."

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