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J: when you hurt the one you love, you are bound to hurt yourself. This is what it happened to me.. I thought I just had a simple breakup but nah, I realized that it was a huge mistake that I ever made..

J: I experienced that moment when I can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart because when I saw you out with bubblegum.. I've felt that

J: and I lied about Nayeon because I don’t want you to know how much it hurts me.. when you were with him it made me wanna shout at you or hurt you but then it was just useless.. and that's when Hoseok introduce a girl to me

J: I have a confession to make..

J: you made me happy. You still do but I can't think of the pain I caused you. I wondered why you didn't come up to me and ask for a hug but then I knew why. It was because of the pain I gave you but the worst thing is a little part of me will always hope for it even if I'm not in a relationship with you.. you will always be someone that I love

J: You never failed to make me smile. Things aren't getting better ever since we fought, precisely breakup. I just miss you so much.

J: having random break downs, with you on my mind wondering whether you're doing fine or not. Yoongi hyung told me to not text you if I'm not sure of my feelings but you know why I did that...

J: I'm sorry I wasn't there when you wanted, I'm sorry I wasn't the best, I'm sorry I  couldn't be good enough for you. I just hope everything will be okay soon, I really miss how we used to talk Taehyung

J: I hate that I’m still hoping...

J: just know that I really love you, but nah I respect your feelings for someone though

J: you've moved on so please be healthy..

That message was sent a month ago. Taehyung still didn't get over the breakup and had been weak. He wanted to forget everything but still he couldn't. Is that what love always make you feel?


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