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They have been locked in the store for past one hour and they didn't even try to escape it, precisely Jungkook didn't even try since Taehyung was asleep, probably tired of crying.

The voice of the broom falling from the shelf woke Taehyung up. He was shocked to find himself in Jungkook's embrace so he quickly stood up to leave but Jungkook just pulled him back.

“Ouch!” Taehyung exclaimed when his butt landed on the hard floor.

“Sorry,” Jungkook begged but he couldn't stop laughing at Taehyung's expression.

“Taehyung let's not act like kids and talk. We need to share many things,” Taehyung turned the other side being all stubborn he is.

“I'll speak first,” Taehyung reported. He took a long breath before speaking.

“I can't keep this secret any longer. I am probably going to deeply regret this but I just feel like you need to know the truth. I like you a lot, and I haven't told you this. I have the worst image of everyone teasing me if I said a word about this. But I think you deserve the truth. Please don't let this make things awkward between us. I know you probably don't like me in return, but I hope we can at least be friends. I'm sorry to put one more thing on your mind but it was kiling me to keep this all to myself and you are someone worth knowing what people think about you, so I guess I am just that one person who is opening up. I know it will be tempting to laugh at me for this, but just think about how much courage it takes just to talk to the person you like, let alone tell them you like them. So, please take that into consideration before you suddenly think anything bad or stupid about me. Again, please don't let things become awkward. And please think about how much courage it took to send you this,” Jungkook smiled, seeing Taehyung open up with him.

“See you had many things to share,” Taehyung nodded still not looking at Jungkook. He was embarrassed but more than that, he was scared to hear what Jungkook was going to say.

“It started with a single glance” Jungkook gave his opening words. “My Heart started pounding in a fast pace. I never felt this way before. Your gentle smile stucked in my mind and all I could think was to see you next time. Whenever I saw your face, I still feel lucky to have you as my first crush. It brighten my day. Always wished to talk to you but never got courage to say,” Jungkook was holding Taehyung's hand. Taehyung carefully listened to what Jungkook was saying, it was really going to be important.

“You're so cute. I mean like just not your looks are cute but your personality too. The things you say are cute. Your voice is so cute. Your smile is so cute. How you talk to me is so cute. I like talking to you. I really really like it. I like how I can call you in the middle of the night and talk till one of us falls asleep. Even though you can be really weird sometimes I still like that. I like you and just you,” Taehyung looked up, finally facing Jungkook who was adoring Taehyung for long time.

It didn't take much longer for Jungkook to catch Taehyung's chin and pull him closer. He stared at Taehyung's Bambi eyes for few seconds before capturing his lips. Only god knows for how long Jungkook waited to taste those lips of Taehyung's.

Taehyung couldn't even proceed the words Jungkook said earlier and now, he didn't believe the great Jeon was kissing him. Taehyung wasn't responding to Jungkook's kiss so he had his own ways. Jungkook bite the lower lips of Taehyung causing him to hiss in pain. Taking this as his chance, he explored older's mouth.

What was there to wait? After all, that was what Taehyung wanted. He moved in rhythm making sure to catch Jungkook's pace. However Taehyung couldn't, Jungkook was kissing him as if his life depends on it.

The opening of the door took their attention and both of them backed off. Jungkook whipped this lips which had the saliva, who knows who's it was.

“What are you doing here?” the gatekeeper asked.

“We were locked here,” Jungkook said offering hand to Taehyung who was on the round. Taehyung gladly took his help and stood up leaving the gatekeeper confused.

Their state didn't seem like they were locked at all.

Don't know why I suddenly love giving double updates=)

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