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T: damn kook

T: how could you ghost me for ten hours straight..

T: also you didn't even smile at me today

T: kook... I have alot to share..

T: please...

T: I get it you're angry..

T: but it ain't gonna be solved without talking..

T: let's talk this..

T: I can't kook

T: damn.. fuck.. why are you like this.. so stubborn..

J: now you find me stubborn..

T: among many other messages.. you only had to see this?

T: wow.. just wow

J: are you happy?

J: you ruined my whole day..

T: hey

T: are you realizing what you're saying?

J: ofcourse I am

J: did you realize what you did.. to you, to me, to us..

T: now you're angry that I texted other guy?

T: do you realize you haven't been giving me enough time lately

T: I don't know what's keeping you busy..

T: I don't ask for much but I atleast need your attention kook.. I need it..

T: you have changed.. or maybe I am hoping for too much from you..

T: that fucking expectations hurts..

J: tae..

J: you could've asked me for some attention then..

J: why do you have to make me jealous..

J: you don't speak and how would I know what you are feeling..

J: you could've talked to me about that

T: don't act as if I haven't

T: you've been changing the topic

J: I won't anymore..

J: I would make sure to give you enough time..

J: just don't text that dwarf..

J: I don't like it.. they way you both are flirting

T: I can atleast text right? Like when I need help..

J: yes but no flirting

T: I am sorry

J: baby

J: stop being sorry for everything okay

J: I know I was pissed off but not because of you..

J: it happened because I was angry at myself for not making you feel loved

J: moreover that dwarf is already so close to you

T: oh.. he is Jimin

J: whatever it might be

J: tae.. thankyou

T: why all of a sudden..

J: because you've kept this relationship going..

J: my fucking pride wouldn't let me uh you know think it in your perspective but you've kept your promise to not care about your pride and erm make up again..

J: I am so lucky to have you..

T: awww kook

J: let me just speak today.. I have alot to say..

T: I'm listening

J: I never knew how much you mean to me when we first started texting being all unknown until today, I still love you as much as I did since the very first day I saw you. Ever since you came into my life, I felt like I am the happiest. I just want to let you know how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you.

J: babyy you're special to me. You are the only one whom I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one who I can never get tired of talking to and the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day.

J: You are the only one who can make me smile without any intention and affect my emotions with every action of yours. I can't explain in words how much you mean to me but you're the one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life

J: I don't talk much with anyone but you are someone with whom I can talk for hours, you are someone i don't want to lose, you are an important part of my life. Just stay with me forever.

T: are you planning to make me go all emotional and cry my lungs out..

J: no baby..

J: I was just expressing myself..

T: but seriously

T: you don't know how much I've been wanting to hear those..

T: I thought you became less romantic but guess it was wrong thought..

T: you're still fucking you

J: ofcourse I am the great Jeon Jungkook

T: yeah I know

T: iloveyou

J: more

J: I do more

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