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T: hey bestie

T: what's up

J: not replying you I guess

T: ayy

T: I love you💗

J: you know you're so annoying

T: I know I'm great.. thanks

J: so what's your update

T: we had humanities today

J: and

T: he didn't come to school at all

T: ugh! Karma is a bitch😾

J: your bad

T: tell me about you

J: I didn't see him today

J: I caught cold so I took leave

T: can't you even look after yourself

J: it's just a cold baby

T: still...

T: cold is caused by rhinovirus which is basically whole bacteria and it causes lots of coughing...

T: too much coughing is not good for health and it attacks respiratory track you know

J: you sure did learn alot from that project

T: it's not about knowledge right now

J: sorry! I'll take care baby

T: you better

T: you said you didn't come to school right?

J: yeah.. why..

J: did I miss out anything

T: damn, I had a full chance to know who you are but then those 5 potatoes were absent..

T: are you the skinny one from section D? Or that tall blonde who is really hot as fuck! Wait.. other one was girl

T: don't tell me you're that fatty with chips on his hands 24/7😲

J: are you hearing yourself Taehyung?

T: oh did I miss anyone?

T: right? Are you that Jungkook? No you can't be lol.. I assume Yoongi wouldn't even know you because he could be seen napping whole time..

T: just tell me already who you are?

J: let's not talk about that but seriously why were you concerned about me

T: because you're my bestie

T: but you're more than that🙈

J: like?

T: uh.. daddy I must say😏

J: screw you!

T: I love you too💗

T: but it's a great coincidence that both of you were absent today...

J: I know right

J: and I also know you missed me

T: you're playing my role here

J: whatever

T: won't you still tell me your crush's name?

T: come on

T: we've been good friends right!?


T: you ain't doing it, are you?


T: YOU MF!!!!!!!

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