Sarah: Dad, are we..gonna be okay??

Carlos: Of course sweetie, of course. We're gonna leave now, before he comes back with more bad guys. Get your things okay?

Sarah: O-Okay.

Sarah runs over to her room to pack up to leave...

(YN): He also mentioned about losing you guys.

Luke: Losing us? Nah, more like we escaped from him.

Clementine: Why? What does he even want??

Carlos: ..He wants us back, and we don't want to. Kids, I don't know what he told you two, but that man, William Carver, is a dangerous man. He's a leader of a camp not too far from here, and he's very smart...look, I'm sorry to involve you both on this, now that he's seen you two, you're gonna be with us, and be safe, we have to leave.

Carlos goes over to Sarah upstairs...

Nick: We have to find Pete!

Luke: We'll get him on the way out. Clem, (YN), you know where he was, right?

(YN): Yeah.

Clementine: We'll show you.


Later on, the group then head out onto the woods as they go looking for Pete first...

Luke: So you said it's up ahead?

(YN): Yeah, I think we might be close.

As (YN) shows Luke and the rest the way, Rebecca then approaches up to Clem...

Rebecca: Hey Clem...sorry if I gave you and (YN) some shit back there. I'm just a little over the edge, but I didn't like what (YN) did, sneaking around the house and taking advantage on my husband, but I know you two were on a tough spot, so I'll cut y'all some slack.

Clementine: Oh..thanks Rebecca, but gotta stop bossing us around.

Rebecca: I know, it's not going easy on me, but I'm trying....I know you two did your best back there. You know, none of us would make it on our own. Sometimes it's hard knowing just how dependent I am on everyone. I'm not use to that..not comfortable with that, you know? ...I'm suppose to be a mom soon, and I guess I have to work on my patience, you know? ...Alvin and I still don't know what to call her, or him, if that man gets his wish, god help me. Any ideas?

Clementine: Hmmm, well if it's a girl, how about name her-

(YN): Over there.

They stop and (YN) to point out at the woods, he leads them over and to arrive to the truck he and Clem were with Pete...

(YN): There, that's where we were.

Nick slowly approaches to the truck, opens the back, and not to spot Pete...

Nick: He's not in here..!

(YN): What??

Clementine: But this is the last place we saw him.

Alvin: Maybe he's around here.

Carlos: Keep your eyes open, and stay in sight.

They all scatter and to look for Pete around, then, Clem spot something...

Clementine: (YN).

(YN): What is it Clem??

She shows (YN) a trail of blood leading behind a rock...the two look at each other with a worried look, as the two slowly follow the trail...and as they reach to the rock behind...they were shock to see Pete on the floor, dead with his guts out, and shot in the head somehow and everyone to arrive and spot him..

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon