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Walter brought the kids with him outside to get them out of the little argument that's going on...

Walter: *Sighs* I'm sorry about that, you know I used to be a teacher, and remember what it's like to be to caught in the middle of cliches. I suspect they'll find common grounds soon enough. May take a while, but that's how it works. Everything will be fine.

(YN): Hopefully.

Clementine: Yeah..

Walter: Mm, so, I heard Kenny said you two wanna stay, is that right?

(YN): Yeah, of course.

Clementine: We wanna stay with you and skinny.

Walter: Then stay y'all shall, I know that'll please him for good.

(YN): We missed him.

Clementine: Yeah, it's been a long time.

Walter: And he misses the two of you as well....listen, they say the worlds is over, but I'll tell you a secret; it's not. People are more political now than they ever will be before. In the need, they won't changed. All we can do is continue to learn from each other, to emphasize and use our heads. "All war is a symptom of a man's failure as a thinking animal" Steinbeck, hav you two read him?

Clem/(YN): ......

Walter: Heh, we have plenty to catch up. My buddy, Matthew is quite the literature collection. I think the both of you will like him. Anyways, the point is, as long we have our wits about us, we can always make the right choice, right?

(YN): Yeah, right...

Clementine: Of course...

Walter: Say, what's the matter? Is wanna tell me? You can talk to me.

(YN): It's..Well, it's your friend Matthew, we're worried about him.

Clementine: Yeah, I think that-

Walter: It's alright, don't worry, he'll be fine, and be back soon enough.

(YN): But I think-

Kenny: Hey kids, what are you talking about?

Kenny appears out of the building with his rifle...

Walter: Oh nothing, just politics.

Kenny: The hell??

Walter: Well I mean knowing you're from Florida, I would imagine you know all about Politics.

Kenny: Man, I know the one advantage of living the apocalypse is not dealing with that shit anymore. Anyways, I just came out to check up on the windows round the back before the storm hits, give us a hand?

Clementine: Sure.

(YN): Of course Ken.

They follow Kenny to go around the building, as they give a turn, they spot someone peeking inside the building, Kenny was about to alert her with his rifle, but Walter stops him as he does the job...

Walter: Miss?

She startled and to notice Kenny aiming the rifle at her...

She startled and to notice Kenny aiming the rifle at her

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S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now