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Meanwhile, in the woods, we then see Jane, bringing along with Clementine and (YN) to go find Luke and the others...

Jane: Alright look, I'm gonna level with you two. I was just looking for an excuse to get out of there for a moment. should know that finding your friends...that's a shot in the dark.

Clementine: Then, why are we out here?

Jane: Cause I wanted to talk with you...and him of course.

(YN): Hmph.

Jane: Look, I can tell the both of you won't make it this far if y'all were smart. But I still...have to warn you. That group is cracking, I've seen it before and well...there's times that being on your own is better.

Clementine: ...

(YN): ...

Jane: I know what I'm talking about, you don't wanna be there and...turning on each other, turning on them.

Clementine: They're good people, we have to help each other.

(YN): We can't just turn onto each other, even if we have problems...

Jane: You'd be surprise, I mean how much help Kenny going to be in the condition he is? He's more of a liability than anything, and Rebecca's "situation" isn't making things better out there. You get enough broken people out there, you get her into broken decisions.

Clementine: She's just worried about her baby.

(YN): Yea, I mean what if you had a baby and feel the same way Rebecca does, huh?

Jane: I wouldn't bring a kid into this world, but like y'all said, it's her baby, not mines, not yours. For what it's worth though, I like most of the people in your crew, but groups fall apart, people get killed.

(YN): And why are we out here again??

Jane: Just giving you the tools you and Clem will need to make it. Like your bat, it's very usable against walkers, but will break any time, and Like Clem's jacket, it's warm, but a Walker will bite right through it...My sister, Jaime, had a good leather one...wish I still had it, you could of...

Jane stopped for a moment, and to feel a it emotional for brining up her sister...and to ignore and to keep walking...

Clementine: I could've what??

Jane: ...Never mind.

Clementine: ...There are times we don't like remembering too.

Jane: ...You know, being a big sister is...well funny. It's really easy to be mean.

(YN)/Clementine: Oh?

Jane: You know, hide her toys, make fun of her haircut, give her the bad haircut of course, on purpose.

(YN): Damn, you really are mean, and we're of course

Jane: Heh, what could I do? I was her best friend, that couldn't go..unpunished. Every summer we'd go to this amusement park at Virginia. But the best part wasn't the rides, it was that nobody knew us there and I'd..pretend we weren't sisters, just friends.

As they walk over and out of the woods, they found themselves some houses barricade around themselves and a fences too...

Jane: Jackpot! Come on.

Clem and (YN) follow Jane, and then to approach to some walkers that were recent and dead..but Jane had an idea.

Jane: I bet these walkers have some good stuff, let's search them.

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