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With Kenny still standing with one eye only, he Clementine and the rest now began their plan to escape, before that, Clementine needs Toto head to Carver's office to turn on the PA system for the speakers to be loud and to draw the herd to the building. Mike gives her a boost up to the rope as she climbs over to the ladder, and to climb up to the roof, she heads over to the skylight and to enter Carver's office nice and quiet. She walks over to his table and to see the counter table with the PA system, she checks the drawers and find a gun...

Clementine: Only one bullet, save it for Carver of course.

She keeps it as she then goes tryin to turn on the PA system, she press the button for the speakers, and notices one of the cables connected to a dvd player for the mic to speak, she finds a disc inserts it to the dvd and turns on the microphone. As everything was on, the speaker started to sound out, she looks out and see guards to spread and find the group. She then heads back with the others before gets caught...
But as she leaves, she spots the picture of Carver and his family before. She walks up to it, and grabs it and looks at Carver being happy with his wife, and that son of his too, holding that baseball bat...looking at him make her seem like she knows him anywhere...she took a closer look at him, and that bag too that had writing on it, she looks at it, and to have a name on it...
And that name has it written... "(YN)"...
She then gave this flabbergast reaction to finally find out and having the pieces connected all long: Carver mention how (YN) look almost as his son, how he always mention him and get worried for him, and having a picture of him here...Clementine figures out that (YN) Carver's son.

Clementine: ..No way!!

She keeps the picture and to then make a run for to the others...
Meanwhile, somewhere in the building, we see Tavia who has woken up from her sleep in her room and to hear the speakers being on and loud, which can lure the walkers here anytime, she gets dressed and get get radio by Troy...

Troy: Tavia you there?!

Tavia: Yeah don't worry I'm making my way!

Troy: Hurry it up then! That bitch Bonnie is on this too with those damn folks!

Tavia: ..Shit, okay, be there in a sec.

Tavia then gets dress as she then tries look for her she does...she then hears a loud thud sound, she turns around, and to see nothing, but did heard that noise.

Tavia: Hello??

She roams around her room to see what caused that noise, nothing...but suddenly, she realizes her radio is no where to be seen too as she specifically placed it on her table, and is suddenly gone? She looks at the ground to find it, no where...

Tavia: Where the hell???

As she stood up, and to turn around, (YN) appears, aiming his nail bat at her face directly up close, as he was glaring down at Tavia, she began to feel scare a bit of how he even got in here, and her realizing (YN) holding her radio too, (YN) drops the radio on the floor and stomps it too pieces as he still aims his bat at Tavia's face...

(YN): Don't even think about making a noise or calling anyone, or even try something stupid.

Tavia: L-Look kid, you don't know what's going on! There's a herd coming and with that noise-

(YN): Yeah, I know and I don't care. I came here for Clementine and my friends, that's, where is she and everyone else?

Tavia gives a side eye, and to see her rifle leaning towards the wall, she quickly runs off it and to manage grabbing it, but as she aims it at (YN), (YN) swings his bat at Tavia's hands, dropping her weapons and the nails to stab her hands both as she drops on the floor in agony pain, (YN) started walking around her and to crouch down and seeing her grunting in pain...

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now