Chp.22 It Happen So Fast

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The next day afternoon, The group and Arvo continue their journeys to where Arvo was taking them where there's a house and food for them to stay and for baby AJ too, they continue walking through the woods, Kenny keeps and eye on Arvo while Mike holds onto Baby AJ...

Mike: You sure you're good?

Luke: Yeah I'm fine, I'll let you know when I get a cramp.

Mike: Got it.

Kenny: So, how much farther??

Arvo: Close, very close.

Kenny: You be saying that everyone I ask.

Arvo: Please...come.

Kenny: I'm really starting to think your full of-

(YN): Kenny!!

Clementine: Behind you!!

Kenny: What the fu-AH!!

Out of nowhere, a Walker jumps behind Kenny, trying to eat him as (YN) rushes to save Kenny, hitting the Walker off from him and Clementine shooting its head off...

Kenny: Jesus Christ!

(YN): You alright?!

Kenny: Yea, shit! Fucker came out of nowhere.

Bonnie: That gunshot was loud, hopefully there aren't more around us near.

Jane: Well let's move, we don't want to find our.

Arvo: It's very close, come.

They keep moving...and so after, they make a stop and to spot a house, which Arvo was telling the truth...but looked half unfinished with no roof and windows...

Kenny: That? That piece of shit?

Arvo: Yes.

Kenny: It's half built.

Jane: We're just here for the supplies, nor the house.

Arvo: It's warm, fireplace, very warm.

Luke: I'd just like a place to rest to be honest.

Clementine: Looks like it's empty.

Arvo: It is.

(YN): ...I'm not sure about this. As he said that, not sure anymore if we can trust him.

Kenny: If it ain't, kids gonna wish it was.

Arvo: ...

They all also notice to get to that house, they must walk through that thin ice to get there, and is much faster.

Bonnie: Maybe there is a way around.

Luke: I don't see any.

Arvo: <Speaks Russian>

Kenny: Say it in American, Asshole.

Arvo: It's okay, walk, ice.

Kenny: No shit ice. That's the problem.

Arvo: I can be first, I'll go front.

Clementine: If we're gonna walk on thin ice, we need to be speeches and not be clump to each other.

(YN): She's right, besides, four eyes said he'll go first.

Kenny: Oh he'll definitely go first since he's so confident.

Arvo: Is okay, follow me.

With Arvo going first to walk on the thin ice, Kenn follows him, and so as the rest started walking on the thin ice and not to be so close to each other to not add weight on the ice and to not cause to fall to the water...they walk nice and slowly and we're halfway there...Clementine notices as she took a step, she caused a tiny crack.

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