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Everything just went downhill, Carver and his gang manage to find Clementine and the others, Carver killed Walter...and sadly Alvin as well, which left Rebecca sorrow for her lost of her husband, Clem, Kenny and the rest of the group were now being taken away as hostages by Carver, and to sent back to his camp.
It was morning already, Back at the building still, we then see Luke and (YN) walking out from the woods, as Luke then stops...

(YN): What is it Luke?

Luke: ...Something ain't right, it's...quiet.

(YN): ..Yeah, too quiet.

Luke: ...I don't like this, and that window over there seems to be broken, like if someone shot at it through.

(YN): Oh no..Kenny! Clem!!!

Luke: Wait (YN)!

(YN): What?! Luke, what if something bad happen! We have to see if they're in there!!

Luke: I know, we're gonna check, but I want you to look around the house and see if anything's fishy, and I'll check inside to see, okay?

(YN): ..Okay, Okay fine, yeah.

Luke: Good, come on.

(YN) follows Luke behind as they walk towards the building, as they arrive, (YN) walks around the house, holding his nail bat to see it is clear outside. As for Luke, he pulls out his machete and to walk in the building...and for it to seem lonely and quiet...

Luke: Nick? Carlos?? Anybody??

Luke then finds a dead body, Walter's body, shot in the head...

Luke: Oh shit, Walter..!

And then to find another dead body too, and to be Alvin's, as he was more upset and shocked about it, he rushes over to his body...

Luke: O-Oh fuck, Alvin!!

He looks at it, and to feel bad to loose Alvin, and he would imagine how Rebecca felt too, Luke knows who did this, and he knew it could be only one person that could done this.

Luke: Carver..he got to them.

Then suddenly, a gun happens to point at him from behind his head, it was one of the bandits that's working for Carver...

Bandit: Get up, slowly.

Luke did what he was told, he gets up, arms up and then to turn around as the bandit gave a grin to him...

Luke: You're fucking dead, you hear me?! You, you're group, and Carver!!

Bandit: Is that so?

The bandit swings his weapon, hitting Luke and dropping him on the floor as Luke's cheek was busted open, he tried to get up but the bandit aims his gun at his face...

Bandit: Not unless I kill you first, hehe! Say goodbye asshole.

He aims Luke's head steady, and was ready to shoot him...
Then suddenly...

(YN): YOU!!!

Bandit: What the-

(YN) comes to the rescue, as he tackles the bandit down to the ground, and dropping his weapon, the bandit tried to reach for his weapon, but (YN) kicks it away...

Bandit: You little-

(YN) then punts the bandit right to his face, afterwards, he backs away a little, and to rush up to him, leaps, land his foot behind his head and to stomp his face to the ground, afterwards, the bandit grunts in pain as (YN) turns him around and grabbing by his shirt...

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now