Chp.24 Memory Dream

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Lee: Clementine..?? ...Clem?? ...Clementine!

Suddenly, Clementine wakes up...and yet she finds herself in a RV, the RV she was in looks exactly the one she was in before...she looks around. She notices she happens to be her younger self....and notices familiar faces too in the RV, Ben at the back sleeping, Katjaa holding on Duck, Kenny driving the RV, (YN) aside with her sleeping...and then to spot someone sitting with them...the one one who he has been taking care of her and (YN) since the day everything started, the man, the myth, the legend...Lee.

Clementine: Wha...Lee??

Lee: It's oaky, you had a bad dream sweet pea. What was it about? ...Duck?

Clementine: ...He's bit.

Lee: ...He is, but we don't know how this works yet, maybe it's like a cold. His moms a doctor, she can help him.

Clementine: ...It's not like a cold.

Lee: No...probably not.

Clementine: ..I feel bad.

Lee: Why?

Clementine: Me and (YN) called him a crybaby...when I hid bugs underneath his pillow.

Lee: Aw that's okay honey, you two didn't mean it.

Clementine: ...Lee?

Lee: Yea?

Clementine: ..Why did Lilly do that to Carly?

Lee gave a sad look...and responds...

Lee: I don't know...she was mad Clem, that makes people angry sometimes.

Clementine: ..Because of her dad?

Lee: ...Yeah. Look Clem, people don't always make sense.

Clementine: How come?

Lee: Cause bad things happen to everyone. And it's hard to keep being yourself after they do. But...what would you do with Lilly? Would you leave her behind? Or bring her with us?

Clementine: ...Maybe...leave her.

Lee: Maybe, Maybe we should've brought her...I don't know...I don't know if I did the right thing.

Clementine: How can you tell?

Lee: Well, it's not like Math, Clem. Sometimes, there ain't the right answer.

Clementine: I hate math.

Lee: Heh, me too sweet pea. Yeah, but part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about...even if sometimes...that means hurting someone else.

Clementine: ...I don't wanna hurt anyone else.

Lee: ...It's not that easy.

Clementine: ..I'm scared Lee.

Lee: What can I say to make you feel better?

Clementine: ...That you won't leave me and (YN).

Lee: Oh I wouldn't do that, I promise you both.



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Anyways...back to the story. Lee comforts Clementine, as (YN) slowly wakes up...

(YN): Clem?? Lee?? Is everything alright??

Clementine: (YN).

Lee: Don't worry son, we're alright. Clem just had a nightmare.

(YN): Really??

Clementine: Yea, but I feel better now, thanks to Lee. And also...I'm very glad to have you, (YN).

(YN) flusters and gently smiled at her, as Clem then leans her body to (YN) and him wrapping his arm around.

(YN): I feel the same way Clem...I'm happy to have you too.

Lee smiles to see how great friends Clem and (YN) are he too gets some sleep. With (YN) getting some sleep again, Clem slowly shuts her eyes...and to go back to sleep again...
And to go pitch black again.


S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now