Chp.1 On Our Own

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A year and 5 months have pass now...things have now changed ever since Omid died. And now, it was Christa, Clementine and (YN) only...during those past times, we don't know what happen to Christa's unborn child, neither do we even want to know what happen or what she did to it...nobody knows. She was never same the day she lost for Clementine and (YN), they've grown a bit more, as Clementine is Now 12 years old, and (YN) 13 years old, and matured a bit as well.
One night in the woods, it started sprinkling, Clementine and Christa were at their camp spot, sitting on a log, cooking a small weasel, only then Clementine notices Christa is still isn't herself, not after when she lost Omid...

Clementine: *sighs* Christa, talk to me.

Christa: ...

She didn't wanted to talk about it, nor even wanna speak about it...all she can do is sigh and to check up on their dinner...

Christa: This will never work. Look at this, it's pathetic, the wood is already wet to burn. There's just smoke than flames.

Clementine: Don't worry, (YN) went to grab more wood for the flames.

Christa: Even if he does come back with more, it'll began to rain more and turn off the flames....besides, you two should be doing this, not me. Tending a Fire so you can cook and stay warm, something you two need to start doing. Otherwise....

Clementine: ....I know. Look, I was thinking about looking for a group. People we can trust, we've been on our own too long, you know?

Christa: Trust? Clem, you think you can trust someone out here? Not now, not anymore.

Clementine: ...

The wind started to breeze...

Clementine: Jeez, I'm freezing.

Christa: You think this is bad? Wait till we get to Wellington, then talk to me about cold, if we make it. We still have a couple hard months ahead to get there. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy.

Clementine: Is it safe there?

Christa: Safer than here cause of the cold. Or so they say. We just need to keep moving North.

Wellington is the place they're trying to get, rumors were heard that Wellington is somewhere in North, a place where is a huge shelter, almost like a building, with rooms, beds, and plenty of foods...
Clementine then couldn't stop thinking about Lee very much, she still remembers him, and misses him a lot...

Clementine: ...I miss Lee.

Christa: ...I'm sure you do sweetie.

Clementine: ...Wonder what's taking-

(YN): I'm back.

Clem and Christa notice (YN) arriving, and to carry a bunch of heavy sticks, carrying them onto his shoulder and drops them. Clementine was relief as she rushes and hugs him...

(YN): Heh, Woah Clem.

Clementine: You took long.

(YN): Uh, I was just gone for like 5 minutes...right?

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