Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3

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The next day, it is now morning, Clementine, Kenny, Sarah, Rebecca, Luke, Mike, and Jane gathered around at the table as Kenny place the radio on the table...

Kenny: Alright, we're all here.

Rebecca: Someone's got to give the radio to (YN) and Luke, what's the problem?

Kenny: We should probably figure out who's doing out before we-

They all then notice the gate opening as Kenny quickly dispose the radio into his pockets and seeing Tavia appear...

Tavia: Alright, daylights brining, they let you sleep in, all things considered. Rebecca, Nick, Sarah, Jane, if you gotta take a piss, do it now, there will not be any more breaks afterwards. Troy will be coming for the rest of you.

Kenny: ...Why just them?

Tavia: Like I said, Troys coming for the rest of you.

And so, the ones that were called by Tavia leave the yard with her as the gate closes, which leaves Kenny Clem and Mike alone...

Kenny: Alright look, if we're gonna do something, we gotta do it now. (YN) is our only hope here.

Mike: And Luke.

Kenny: ...Right, him too.

Mike: Okay, let me do it, where's the meeting?

Kenny: Mike...Clementine should do it.

Mike: Are you fucking kidding me??? I mean no offense, but that's crazy! She's a kid, why would-

Kenny: There's a million reasons why, she and (YN) know way more each other, and are best friends too. She can hide, and got the radio for us. Look I'm sorry Mike, but I don't know you from fucking Adam, alright? If I'm trusting someone to do this important, I'm trusting her.

Mike: So you don't trust ME to do it??

Clementine: Kenny's right, I should do it.

Mike: Come on, don't do something stupid to get respect.

Kenny: She don't need your respect, So-

They notice the gate opening and to see Troy appearing...

Troy: Alright little chickens, let's get to peckin, and don't think todays like yesterday. No way. No shenanigans. This rooster is gonna be surveilling your asses every second of the day ya hear? Especially you little girl, ima need an answer, now!

Clementine: *Scoffs* Whatever.

Troy: Tch, come on.

Kenny: Aw Clem, you for your pockets out.

Kenny made up an excuse to hide the radio and giving it to Clem by hiding it in her pocket sweater, with that said, they follow Troy. Troy takes them with him as he was gonna take them outside, until Bonnie stops him...

Bonnie: I think she's with me.

Troy: Ah shit, totally forgot.

Bonnie: Yeah.

Troy: ...Well take her, I don't care.

Troy shoves Clementine to Bonnie, as Kenny started to worry the fact the plan is already breaking down loose...

Kenny: Wait Wait, what's going on??

Bonnie: Just chores of a different sort, come on city mouse.

Kenny: I mean, can't you cut her a break? She really rather keep up on us, people that she knows?

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