Ch 14 - Chamber

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The heavy iron door swung open with a creak, breaking the eerie silence of the cell.

Lying on the cold stone floor, she blinked her weary eyes open. The darkness coddled her, allowing only faint glimpses of the surroundings through the dim torchlight flickering on the walls.

A blurry figure approached her, gradually becoming clearer with each step.

As he drew nearer, she slowly began to discern his features—the striking salmon-colored hair, the piercing jade eyes, and his tall, muscular frame.

It was him.

She quickly sat up, inching back against the wall, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. What did he want? Why was he here? So late and at night?

It was late, right? She couldn't tell the time in her dark cell—every hour became the same.

Drawing closer, he crouched down, meeting her gaze at eye level.

She trembled, her eyes fixed on his, searching for answers. For what he wanted.

The eyes she once looked at with so much love and fulfillment—now shivered and looked at with fear.

If only she had sensed his approach, she might have mentally prepared herself. If only she hadn't endured this cell for so long now, she might have mustered the strength to respond, to spit in his face as she once had.

But she couldn't. She had just awakened, vulnerable and disoriented. Cold and alone. Filled with fear.

"I heard you've been eating well," he said, his low voice echoing through the cell. She felt a shiver down her spine at his words.

Tears gathered in her brown-honey eyes as her heart thumped against her chest. A monster. He was a monster. That was all she could see him as now.

She thought seeing him again would be easier, but it wasn't.

She could see it again—the darkness lurking in his shadowed grassy orbs. That cold look in his eyes... she should have never ignored it.

He gently held her chin, and she gritted her teeth to stop them from clanking. He tilted her head from side to side, examining her puffy cheeks and delicate jawline.

"You've gained your weight back," he looked into her eyes. She could have sworn she saw them light up a bit at his words. "Good," he curled his lip, "You ready to get out of this filth, sweetheart?"

A tear rolled down her cheek.


He swung the door wide open, granting her access to her chamber.

"All of this is now yours," he said, stepping aside to allow her entry.

As she stepped inside, her legs trembled slightly, and her eyes squinted against the bright light.

The sight before her was a large bedroom of light amber and jade. There was a neatly arranged bed, adorned with carefully folded clothes. Her gaze wandered, and she saw a private bathroom tucked away in one corner, exclusively for her use. Outside the window, a secluded balcony awaited her presence.

Turning to face him, she locked eyes with his.

"Why are you doing all of this?" she said.

Maybe she should've kept quiet. Maybe she should've shut up and been grateful for what was given, even if she were their hostage.

But she couldn't.

What was her place here? Why was she given a grand chamber all to herself? Why did he care enough?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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