Ch 8 - The Palace

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"And all of this happened right after I left?" The gingerhead questioned, stress evident in his voice.

The trio was slouched on Lucy's bed, having a heartfelt conversation about what Levy had to go through just two days ago. They were filling Loke in on everything.

Loke and Lucy were always the closest to each other since Levy was always either at work or at the Library, but the three of them made a fundamentally great group.

The lawyer, the cook, and the writer.

Loke, being in his field of work, wasn't so surprised by all of this since he dealt with criminal cases all the time. This was normal news to him, especially in their town. Stuff like this always happened.

Little did they know, it was 'cause their town was where the Head of Japan and Asia's mafia, the Don, Natsu Dragneel, lived. How unlucky.

What if these men were at the restaurant looking for Lucy? Loke couldn't help but think.

He drifted his gaze from the bluette and looked into the blonde's brown orbs like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Lucy..." he began. "Do you think they were..."

"It's a possibility," she interrupted, instantly understanding, for that thought has lingered over her mind ever since Levy told her everything.

"They were what? What's a possibility?" The bluette intervened, confused as ever.

The blonde sighed.

"Well you're definitely not going to the Palace today then," Loke spoke up after a brief moment of silence, being dead serious.

She could be in constant danger for all they know. She needed to take precautions for God's sake.

She leaned her head back on her bed frame.

"Let's not," she said, referring to the multiple conversations she had to go through with him about this.

She was sufficiently paranoid, she believed. Loke was just overboard.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead in stress. She really knew how to push his buttons.

The bluette laid her small hand on Lucy's,

"Lu-Chan, please, don't put yourself in harm's way. Don't go out with this man since you just met him. At least until we figure everything out,"

"She won't listen to you, Levy. Don't waste your breath. Her head is as hard as stone." Loke said, annoyed and drained.

"No, look, we can all go to this event today!" Lucy encouraged. "Let's have fun together and I'd like you both to get to know Nathan. You have no idea how much of a great guy he is. Trust me, you won't regret it." She looked at the both of them with pleading eyes. "C'mon! Pleeaasee~"

Loke groaned in annoyance, knowing he couldn't refuse her.

Not with that look she was giving him.

"Fine," he said, lighting sparkles in the blonde's eyes. "But you're not leaving my side, however annoyed you might get." He said firmly. "You too Levy. You're staying with me." He looked towards her.

She was always been a pain in the ass, but he'd still do anything for her. As long as she was happy.

The blonde smiled widely as the bluette nodded nervously.

Did she really feel safe to attend an open event after what she witnessed at her restaurant? She didn't know. But she would go anyway. Maybe it was good to start living normally again.

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