Ch 9 - Round Table

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Everyone chuckled and laughed at the round table they were seated at.

The music rang around them, adding a soothing element to the night.

People danced and giggled, giving life to the party.

The duo sat beside each other. Natsu had his hand wrapped around Lucy's as he conversed with Erza about things the blonde couldn't understand.

They talked about sales, some names, their image (she thinks?), and maybe some paperwork.

It all sounded gibberish to her.

Loke and Levy were also there, seated somewhat across the blonde, getting to know Nathan's friends.

As social as Lucy was, she felt intimidated by them. So she mostly stayed quiet, listening in on everything.

She felt Natsu's thumb stroking her hand as he gave his attention to another woman, which made her smile.

"I named it that because shrimp is my best dish, what kind of question is that?!"

She heard Levy yell at the metal head seated next to her.

The blonde chuckled.

They got along well, she thought.

She saw Loke flirt with the pretty girls next to him, too. Girls known as Cana and Lisanna. He attempted to flirt with Erza a while back, but he just got punched.

She liked that. How he was getting along with everyone. She hoped he'd fit in well with them, and he seemed like he did. She just wanted him to be happy.

"Why are you so quiet?" She heard Natsu whisper, his deep voice tickling her ear with his breath.

She shrugged her shoulders,

"I'm just enjoying everyone's company," she smiled as she looked into his eyes.

"Do you wanna go somewhere alone?" He asked, his face too close to hers.

His friends—mafia team, to be exact—had lingering eyes over them, wondering what he was telling her.

She shook her head with a slight blush,

"No no, I'm liking it here." She paused. "Your friends all seem really nice, the weather is good and..."

He chuckled,

"You don't need to convince me to stay," he said. "I'll do whatever makes you happy."

Heat rushed to her cheeks as she felt her stomach flutter.

He always knew the right things to say.

"So, Lucy," a raspy voice interrupted, catching her attention. "What did you do to make Nathan here go crazy for ya, huh? What's your secret?" The blond smirked, leaning back on his chair as he eyed her.

She giggled, truly not knowing how to respond to his words.

Is his name Laxus?

Loke rolled his eyes. He hated everything about this night. Everything but the pretty girls, that is.

"I'm taken, Laxus, focus on your wife," Natsu responded for her, causing the whole table to laugh and giggle. Lucy included.


She felt her heart skip a beat as she registered his words.

Did he really say that?...

Natsu leaned in to her ear,

"I'm taken, right?" He whispered.

Her cheeks were now just as red as her bloody dress.

"I... think so," she responded, her heart beating a million times per minute.

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