Chapter 12: Weird Fights, 'Dancing' And Interference

Start from the beginning

"Good. Actually very good for that matter." I knitted my brows. "She is in love." I raised both eyebrows.

"Really? That's nice. I'm happy for her." I said as I unscrewed the bottle of water in my hands. "Did you interrogate her already?" I took a sip. My mom was really curious and that compared with the fact that she liked to talk much....

She scoffed. "Elizabeth, I'd never interrogate somebody," she said with fake hurt. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, how'd you call it then?"

She tapped her index finger against her chin, deep in thought. "Questioning."

I chuckled. "Okay and did you question her?" I asked, taking another sip of the water.

She nodded. "Yeah, I did. They met...." And that was when she told me the life story of her PA. She finished the story a few seconds before a knock was heard. Knowing that it was Logan I excused myself and stood up, walking to the front door. I opened it and was greeted by a freshly dressed Logan.

He had put on a dark grey shirt and denim jeans, his hair wasn't as messy as it was twenty minutes ago, a bright smile was on his lips and his eyes twinkled.

I let him in and turned around to walk to the kitchen. That was the moment his phone rang. He apologized and answered his phone. I shrugged and went back to my mom.

"Who was at the door?" she asked the moment I stepped into the kitchen.

"Logan," I answered casually. He was still standing on our front porch, talking on the phone.

She nodded with a smile. "Glad that I get to see him. We haven't seen each other in so long. You should invite him over for dinner sometime."

I nodded with a smile. I was sure that mom would do just that the second she saw my best friend. "Speaking of, what should I cook tonight when your friend comes over."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

She raised both eyebrows. "The dinner with your friend, Ryan?"

My mouth formed an 'o' as realization washed over me. "Right. I forgot. Well, I don't know mom. Cook whatever you'd like. I don't think he's picky when it comes to food," I reassured her with a shrug.

"Okay then," she said grabbing her blazer and draped it over her forearm just as Logan appeared in the doorway. His left hand was shoved into his jeans pocket and the other one was wrapped around his phone. He was looking down at it, scrolling through something while leaning against the door frame. "Did you tell them that you fainted?" he asked without looking up to see the shocked faces of both my mother and me.

Thanks to my male best friend my lie was revealed. He looked up after a moment of silence. "What?" he asked confused.

"Elizabeth? Do you want to tell me something!" she almost yelled. I face palmed myself. Great, now she was upset. "You went unconscious?" she asked, her hands moving to her hips. I looked at my friend. Logan's mouth formed into an 'o' and his eyebrows were raised.

I looked at him with tired eyes. "Yes, I fainted. But it's not as bad as you may think-"

"You can't just go on and keep things from both me and your father, Liz. Especially not something as big as this one."

"I know, but I just don't want you to worry," I whined.

"We are your parents Elizabeth. That's our purpose." Everyone kept telling me that. My parents, Dr. Goodman, Logan. I was just tired of hearing it. I stayed silent.

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