Samuel then dropped the knife. "....I-....but you betrayed left me" he said. "I never betrayed you...because I never made a promise with you, I'm sorry that we lost contact, you were such a great friend, it's just that things got in the way, I struggled to socialise"

"Fine. Call the police, call an ambulance, call whoever, get me arrested. I deserve it, sorry" he apologised.

Good, he better be

"I'll just call a friend, not an ambulance, by the way, don't know if you noticed but you are a heavily wanted criminal in Florida, there have been a lot recently" I said, getting out my phone.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded in response. "How long will I be arrested for?" He asked nervously. "That's up to the police" I said.

I then called a friend.


"Uhh, hey Dream"

"What's up? You don't sound very cheerful"

"That's because I'm not"


"Can you come to Wheaten Road? I need a bit of help....shit..." I groaned at the pain in my stomach

"What's wrong?"


"Where on Wheaten Road?"

"In an alleyway"

"George, what criminal are you with?"

I smiled at the fact he knew something bad definitely happened

"Just come, and don't bring anyone else"

"Alright, stay safe"

"Eh....I'll try- OW YOU FUCKER" I said at I had a sharper pain from my stomach.

"George, seriously, why the fuck are you saying that?"

"Just come"

"Alright, I'm on my way"

"Thanks, bye" I said then hung up.

"Well, I've got a friend on the way, he'll only be a couple of minutes, he can sense something's wrong, so he'll be quick" I said.

Samuel nodded "sorry again, I just love you so much" he said, looking guilty. I took a deep breath in. "Come here" I said he then crouched down to my level and came a bit closer.

"Closer" I said again. He then came closer, I then leant forward and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Better?" I said with a bit of a smile. "Definitely" he said then backed away.

Then Dream's car pulled up and he got out and ran to me. "George!! What happened!!! SAMUEL!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!!!" Dream said then yelled at Samuel, angrily.

"I-....shot him four times. I tried to kill him, but George talked me out of it" Samuel said honestly.

"Oh George! You're bleeding so much! Shit-"

"-don't call an ambulance! Please don't" I said. "Why! You're bleeding to death! I can't let you die!" He said worried, putting his hands over where the bullet holes are to try and hold back the bleeding.

"It's fine...all I need is a little bandage, no worries" I said, clenching my fist in pain. "George you're clearly not fine, I need to get you to a hospital" he said, getting his hands all bloody

"Are you gonna call the police or what?" Samuel interrupted. "No need to" Dream said then pulled a set of handcuffs then tightened them around Samuels wrists.

My criminal (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now