Once they sat down and placed their orders, both knew that there was no turning back now.



Mark looked down but Vee didn't look away from the younger one.

>He's so beautiful.< he thought.

"So beautiful."

"What ?"


"Vee uhm.. I don't know how I should start."

"Shall I start then ?"

Mark nodded shy.

"I wanted to thank you for actually trying to listen and change. I didn't expect you to understand me and my feelings but you did and I believe you when you say you didn't mean to hurt me."

"Thank you."

"And I also wanted to apologize on Yoo's behalf."

"What for ?"

"Tawan told me about the day at school and how he talked to you."

"Oh.. No worries I totally understand why he said those things. You're his brother and I crushed you with the way I acted towards you.."

"It wasn't the way you acted Mark. I loved the way you acted. It was the fact that you compared me to Nuea over and over again. Don't get me wrong, you know that I tried to help you because you were grieving but at one point it was too much for me. Not you ! Just.. You comparing me made me think that you only like me because I remind you of Nuea."

"Yes, I know. And I am really sorry about that. I hope you know that I really mean it. I thought about it for days now.. The day you told me that you love me was so beautiful. My heart was beating like crazy and I wanted to kiss you right there and then but.. Somehow I ended up calling you Nuea. I have no idea how or why.. It just happened. I wanted to tell YOU how much I love you. I wanted you to ask me out on dates, tell people that I am your boyfriend. I wanted you to meet my friends. I wanted to go to your parents house and spend days with y'all. I loved being with you. I missed our facetiming and every little message you've send me every morning. I missed you telling me to drink enough. I missed being in your arms while falling asleep and how you would hold me whenever I had a nightmare. I missed holding your hand when you were asleep and I missed taking pictures with you. These few days without you felt like I lost another person that I love and I hated it so much.. I hated me for ruining our moment and I hated me for doing this to you.."

Mark finally looked up again, staring into the blank face of Vee.

"I'm sorry that was a lot but it's the whole truth.."



"Please say something !"


"I know that I've hurt you but we're here to talk, so-"

"No.. It's not that.."

Vee took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling.

"I'm just.. emotional right now.." He answered.

"I didn't mean to make you cry."

"I'm not crying." Vee tried to play it cool.

"There's nothing wrong about men crying."

"I know. I just don't want to cry in front of you.. That's embarrassing.." He chuckled.

"Ow.. I cry in front of you all the time."

"Yeah but you're a beautiful crier. I am not." Vee laughed, finally looking back down into Marks eyes but the second he did he couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now