Part 27

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Hello guys!!!! I am back with another chapter. First of all, I am so happy this book has 50k+ reads I never imagined getting this many reads on my book actually I never thought my story will get so much love and support. Thank you so much guys it really means a lot as this is my first story.

I hope you guys love this chapter too if you do please vote and comment with your opinion it means a lot that you guys love my writing.



Next Morning

Manik and Nandini were getting ready to leave for home as there was a lot of work piled on because of the wedding functions. Nandini was taking a shower when manik woke up so he was just scrolling on his phone while lying on the bed. Nandini's phone tinged referring it got a notification he ignored it but it continued ringing so he got worried and curious at the same time so he decided to check her phone.

He opened the phone by the guess of their first meeting date which was correct and then saw a lot of messages from an unknown number so he opened it and the messages read as:

"Hey! I hope you got the package?"

"If you got it, then did you opened it?"

"Its true whatever is written inside and you have the proof too."

"If you want to know more about the thing you can contact me on this number or you can meet me at XYZ place."

"I will wait for your response."

Manik frowned after reading the message as he couldn't recognize the number at first and seeing the person knew about the package made him worried as it was sent to nandu by his name. As he was going to reply nandu came out of the bathroom and saw manik frowning while looking at her phone so she asked, "What happened manik? Why are you looking worried? Is everything alright?" and came to sit near him while trying to look what was on the phone that was making manik worried.

She saw the messages too and was shocked too so she took the phone from manik to try to get to know who was the person that sent the package. While manik who was in a trance while trying to figure what the matter was surprised by the sudden interruption but relaxed after seeing nandu.

Nandini was trying to call the person but no one was answering the phone so manik said, "Let's first go home and see the package and what is inside it then we can go to this address and find out who is this person that sent the package."

Nandu agreed and manik took a quick shower and they went to the lobby everyone was already there and waiting for them.

"What happened manik you seem little tensed everything alright?" asked Sid.

"Yes, everything is alright just tired because of all the wedding functions just need some rest." Manik lied as they thought it will be better if they are the only knowing about the package so others will not be worried.

Everyone got in the cars and headed towards Murthy Mansion and then headed to their rooms to get some rest.

Manan's room

Nandini took the package from cupboard and unwrapped it there was a letter and a pen drive with a pregnancy test with yes. She decided to read the letter first to know exactly whose was the report.

Letter was from someone named Rose and it said that she was one of manik's flings when he was in Mumbai and that he got her pregnant and that the pen drive had the video of them having sex and the pregnancy test was true.

After reading the letter nandu fell on the floor with shock and tears in her eyes she couldn't believe manik could do something like this and when manik read the letter he tried consoling her he was repetitively telling her that it was a lie he didn't slept with anyone else other than Nandini after their separation but Nandini was crying continuously so he decided to check the video to know exactly what was happening.

In the video it was shown that both were drunk and were having sex but only girl's face was visible but after some time the man's back was towards the camera and there was a tattoo on his back which was same as manik's. So nandu became sure it was Manik but he was still trying to convince her that it was not him and that it was someone else who was trying to show her that it was Manik but she was not listening to him.

She stood, washed her tear-stained face, took her keys, and started going towards the door to get to the address in the message and Manik was behind her.

At XYZ place

Nandini went inside first and saw a girl and boy sitting in the living room. The girl was the one from the video and was crying and the boy was trying to console her.

When Nandini entered the boy looked at her and said, " I guess you finally opened the package and got to know the truth. Thanks for coming here and trusting us this is rose and I am her brother Rajesh."

Nandini asked, "I trust my Manik fully I know that the boy in the video is not him I just wanted to know who you are and why are you trying to make us fall apart?"

"What are you saying? You saw the video right then why are you questioning me?" Rajesh asked.

"I have seen the video that's the reason I know that it is not Manik you tried too hard to make the person look like Manik but you forgot that I am Nandini and I know each and every part of my manik just a tattoo can't make me believe it was Manik."

Just then manik came and heard the last bit of their conversation and was happy that his nandini trusted him and not some stupid and fake video then he saw rose and recognized her from their college days.

"You are the person cabir introduced me in the college days right. She tried to come close after you left but I rejected her and I don't get why she is doing all this." he was shocked.

"Manik what are you saying you forgot everything so easily." Rose said for the first time.

"I don't know why you are doing this but please leave me alone I don't want my fiancé to get upset because of you anymore." Manik replied while keeping his hand on Nandini's waist assuring.

"I will go to police if you don't stop harassing us." Nandini warned her and they left.


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed if you did please vote and leave your opinion in the comment section. It means a lot to me.

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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