Part 16

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Hello guyss!! I am bzck with another update. I was not willing to do so because its so heartbreaking that such a great personality is not among us but I know you guys were waiting for the next chapter so here I am with another update. Thank you so much for more than 12k reads and votes and comments on last chapters and I am not changing Siddharth as you all like him like this only and also he is my favourite actor even though he is not with us anymore.😭😭😭😭

Happy Reading!!


After dinner everyone was in their rooms and nandu was working on the outfits when she got a dizzy feeling so she stood to drink water but the jug was empty so she decided to go and get water when she reached kitchen she heard someone murmuring so she went towards the sound which was coming from guest room when she reached there she recognized manik's voice who was talking in his sleep. She got closer and heard, "....nandu I am sorry please come back I know I am not wothy of your love but I will prove myself worthy please come back to me. I promise I will never hurt you again. I can't live without you please come back....." nandu was shocked hearing this and seeing her mani crying and suffering because of her broke her heart. She went near him and put her hand on his forhead to soothe him and said, "Mani I am here shh.. don't cry I am not going anywhere I am with you." Hearing her sweet voice and feeling her touch he calmed down. When he calmed and his breathing became slow indicating he slept she stood up to go but he held her hand and she sat down on the bed she turned and saw him sleeping like a baby she didn't wanted to disturb his sleep so she stayed there. Then she noticed scars on his hand which shocked her and she thought, "He tried to take his life because of me, OMG! why manik why? First you send me away and then you were hurting yourself when you know I can't see you in pain and without you I can't even imagine being alive. I promise you from now on I will be with you and never let you harm yourself again and not others too." manik felt something wet on his hand and heard some sniffling sounds so he woke up and his heart broke seeing his love crying he immediately woke up and crashed her in his chest. Due to the sudden force nandu was shocked at first but she hugged him back after so many days she felt the warmth which she was craving for 6 months now she knew that she was at her safe place she was with her mani her love her life now she was at peace.

"Baby don't cry I can't see you crying. Tell me what happened I will make everything alright." manik said concerned without breaking the hug as he also craved for the warmth. He wanted the time to stop so he could hug her forever keep her away from the pain and all the harm from the world. Isn't it ironic he was the one who gave her the worst pain and now he wants to give her comfort and protect her from the world but isn't this love where the person who gives the pain or who breaks us is the only one who can heal us.

After not getting any reply from nandu he asked again, "Love please tell your mani why are you crying please?" He still didn't break the hug as he knew she needed this most. But her next words shocked him, "You! you are the reason I am crying mani how can you do this to me and yourself you know I can't see you in pain and you tried to take your life you know I can't live without you then also you tried something like that how can you." she was beating him with her small hands but he didn't mind as long as she was with him he didn't care about anything else. "Nandu baby I am sorry there were times I just couldn't live and just wanted to kill myself but I guess your aiyappa didn't wanted me back that soon that's why he saved me each and everytime and now I am here with you. I am so sorry for doing that to you baby I thought that they were my friends and the needed me but I forgot that you neede me too and main thing I neede you to keep me stable and out of darkness. I am sorry that you were my star and I pushed you in darkness. I know that I am not worthy of your forgiveness but just keep me close to you and I will win your trust again please give me last chance." He was crying at last and begging her to give him a chance she melted hearing his confession and broke the hug and held his face and wiped his tears and spoke, "It was not easy for me too mani without you it was just like I was living for namesake but I had hope that one day everything will be fine you will come back to me and make everything alright I had believe in you. I was waiting for you mani but I can't forgive you but I will give you a chance and I know you will make everything alright." Hearing her he was very happy and hugged her again and seeing him happy she smiled and hugged him back.

They were at peace after 6 months in their lover's arms. Both craved for the warmth of their lover and they deserved this as they still loved each other like before actually more than before because they were apart for such a long time and now they were determined to make everything alright like before and they will succeed because this time there was noone who could stop them from doing so. They slept hugging each other unknowingly because of the warmth.


Finally their confession and meet. Please tell me how you liked this part. if you did enjoy this chapter please vote and leave comments. Keep supporting me like this and I will continue providing chapters fast.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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