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I seriously couldn't believe that Hannah came here ,if she did her only intention was to hurt us . I texted Roger yo let him know she was here. We searched the entire place but couldn't find her.  We were in the kitchen when my phone started ringing.

JAKE : Hannah stop this nonsense

HANNAH : Nonsense? I love you. You were meant to find me and we would be together but no. You choose Someone else ,you didn't even think about me ?. My friends, some friends. You all deserve to know what it feels like to have everything you love and care about taken away from you. You deserve to know what it feels like to be kidnaped ,not knowing what's going to happen to you and you will. All of you will.

JAKE : Hannah it's enough now

HANNAH: Don't you want to know how I got here ?

JAKE : On the Jet

HANNAH : Haha nope ,and I won't tell

She ended the call , she was really pushing it now.We split up and started to search, we all met back in the kitchen.

LILLY : Clear

JESSY : Upstairs is empty.

RICHY : nothing

DAN : she has to be outside , Is there anywhere to hide on this island?

ARIA : A lot of places

THOMAS : I don't think we should stay here

My phone started ringing,I saw it was Roger calling. I answered and put it on speaker.

JAKE : What's up

ROGER : Azya went AWOL. She never reported to headquarters. I called to check in and she was supposed to be there ,but she wasn't. TY checked she's off the grid.

JAKE : Lovely, Hannah is here on the island ,she already hurt someone.

ROGER : Keep everything locked, we're coming out but, it may take us a few days. There's a storm warning. Let Aria know.

I ended the call and looked at her

JAKE : Roger said there's a storm warning

ARIA : Not Now , Can you guys help me ,board up tje windows. The last time a damn tree came through the living room window.

DAN : Sure

ARIA : Sorry but whoever is outside will be in for a terrible time.

JESSY : Isn't there a place to hide ?

ARIA : Oh yea there is ,only if you can find it.

I went to the kitchen called Director Decker, I'd need help. I left them all in the kitchen and walked out into the living room.


This just keeps getting better and better. First Hannah Now Azya, why the fuck are these women obsessed with Jake?. On top of that a damn storm.  A storm was never good around here. Three in the Afternoon we were still making sure everything was locked properly,when we heard the first peal of thunder. Cleo Jumped.

CLEO : Oh god that was so Loud

ARIA : That's nothing compared to What I've seen and Heard.

JAKE : Where's the generator?

ARIA : Basement

LILLY : Are you sure she can't get back in ?

ARIA : I'll be locking the doors myself,She won't get in.

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