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We were having breakfast when her phone started ringing. 

ARIA: Yes , I'll be at the office shortly

She ended the call and looked at me

ARIA : What are you doing today?

JAKE: Nothing specific, I'll just relax for a few days until Director Decker needs me

ARIA : Okay I'll be heading to work I'll be back soon, Maria will take care of you.

JAKE : Sure ,and be careful, call me if you need me.

ARIA: I will

I Followed her out to the door and kissed her goodbye. I was in the living room watching Tv when Maria came in.

MARIA : Excuse me Jake? There's a young lady outside, she's not one of Miss Aria's friends. She wants to see Miss Aria, I've told her no one is at home, but she refuses to leave. Miss Mackenzie specifically said not to tell anyone you're here.

JAKE : Who is it ?

MARIA: A miss Hannah

She was relentless,why doesn't she understand?. Is this what she's been doing showing up here giving Aria a hard time.

JAKE : It's okay I'll see her ,where is she ?

MARIA : On the back porch

JAKE : Okay

I followed her into the kitchen and saw Hannah,my supposed stepsister. I opened the door and walked out. The minute she saw me she jumped up and hugged me. I pushed her away from me.

JAKE : Why are you here ? You tried to kill Aria last night. What you're here to try again.

HANNAH: I thought you were Dead, they all said you were dead. I'm so happy you're alive,now we can be together . Let's go back to Duskwood , we'll be happy. I missed you so much,I love you Jake.

JAKE : You need help, you're sick. No you're insane. You're my step sister. I have made it clear so many times I do not feel that way about you. I helped you because I cared for you as a sister nothing else. I love Aria. You need to stop this and focus on yourself .

HANNAH: How am I supposed to do that when you want nothing to do with me?

JAKE : That is not a valid point Hannah, Just go please don't come here again as it is ,I won't be here I'll be leaving for New York in a few hours.

HANNAH: Jake please , Just give me a chance

She tried grabbing onto my hand but I pulled away from her, No amount  of explanation  would be of any help.  She was crying I felt hurt for her but this wasn't the way she should behave.

HANNAH : Please Jake , can't I come see you please

JAKE : I won't be here

HANNAH : then wherever you are I'll visit you

JAKE : Have you completely lost your mind ? Thomas loves you ,I don't. I care for you as a sister and nothing else. Please leave.

I left her standing there and went back inside making sure to lock the door.

JAKE : Maria please make sure she doesn't come into the house , I'll be leaving in a  few minutes.

MARIA : Of course

I went back upstairs and got dressed, grabbed my backpack and headed to the garage. I found the keys to one of her Cars so I got in and left. It was only ten in the morning,and if I stayed home Hannah wouldn't leave. Guess I'll go visit her at work. On the drive to town I called her.

DUSKWOOD : Desires of the Heart Where stories live. Discover now