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GRIVES : I've searched all these phones and it's all messages between yourselves, where's the messages from the hacker?

DAN: We've told you already we don't know any Hacker

GRIVES: You may not but she does

He said pointing at me.

GRIVES: Want to hear an interesting story ? Listen to this. We had almost found him, we were tracking him  ,he was on his computer texting someone. We had a piece of his conversation with someone called Aria and his location was in Duskwood.

Oh shit ,I remember when Jake went offline suddenly.

GRIVES: I doubt there's more than one person called Aria in Duskwood.

ARIA: Look we don't know,or have had any contact with your criminal. By the way what does this criminal look like ?.

Hell, I was fishing for information ,I wanted to know what he looked like. I guess Jessy caught on because she smiled.

JESSY : That's a good question, maybe if we see what he looks like we'll be able to say if we've actually seen him around.

GRIVES: We're not at liberty to disclose what he looks like to the public.

DAN: What a load of crap , you're looking for a criminal but won't show people what he looks like ?

RICHY: Yea that seems fishy, plus we haven't seen anything on the news about a wanted hacker.

GRIVES : Here are your phones , we'll be keeping an eye on you people.

THOMAS: That was weird

CLEO: It was really weird and richy is  right there hasn't been anything on the news either.

LILLY: Please be careful Aria

ARIA: I will ,ah crap I forgot . I left the rental car at the edge of the forest with my luggage and passport and everything else.

THOMAS: I'll go get it for you.

CLEO: I'll join you

ARIA: Can someone give me a ride to the motel, we should let Richy get some rest.

LILLY: I'll take you guys back to Duskwood.

THOMAS: Great, we'll bring the car and your stuff over to the motel.

ARIA: Thanks guys

JESSY: You can stay with me , or with Cleo

ARIA: Thanks for the offer but it's okay.

All the while Hannah was quiet, not really saying anything. We all headed out of the hospital, promising to visit Richy tomorrow.  It was a bit hard for me to walk. When we walked out of the hospital a young boy about thirteen  walked up to me.

STRANGER: Who's Aria ?

I looked at him and they looked at me

ARIA: I'm Aria, is there something I can help you with?

He hugged me and stuck something into my pocket. What the hell. Then he just walked away. I stood looking at him.

LILLY: Do you know him ?

ARIA: Nope

After we all got into separate cars and headed towards Duskwood, I pulled the paper that he stuck in my pocket. It was a typed out note.

JESSY: What's that ?

I put my hands to my lips , showing her to be quiet.


DUSKWOOD : Desires of the Heart Where stories live. Discover now