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We sat and watched as ten agents walked in , who looked similar to me ,same height,same features. It was weird as hell. The director and Ryan left to get the cameras and microphones.

DAN : Holy shit they do like like you

LILLY : Aria in a line up would you know who's the real jake ?

ARIA : Yes

JESSY : I don't think so

PHIL : She wouldn't,not from a distance

ARIA : Seriously I would

THOMAS : Sorry Aria but I agree with them .

DIRECTOR : Agree with what ?

RICHY : If she would be able to pick the real jake out in a line up .

RYAN : That's not a bad idea. You all know him and if every single one of you fails then Grives will too let's go agents,you too Jake .

ARIA : Are you guys serious

RYAN : Yes

I just shook my head and followed them out into another room.

RYAN : All of you change into these ,with the way things are going right now, we'll have him behind bars before sunrise.

He handed us black hoodies ,black caps and jeans

RYAN :  Jake tell them some of your noticeable characteristics so they'll be able to cooperate that into their routine.

JAKE : Fine  , I don't laugh or smile with anyone, not even my friends only with Aria. I don't look people in the eyes, I'll look at you but not in the eyes. I rarely speak and have a habit of always pulling down my hoodie making sure my face is covered. When walking I always keep my head down always.

RYAN : Great, let's go out into the living room,Line up all the way at the back of the room ,put some distance between you and them. we'll have them come on one by one and try to figure out who's the real jake.  Jake, I want you to stand at the end.

I just shook my head but followed them out.we were standing there when he walked in  with Jessica

RYAN : Who's the real Jake Miss Hawkins ?

JESSY : ummm The third one

RYAN : Okay send Lilly in

I watched as my sister walk in and stood looking at us

LILLY :  the fifth one

One by one they came in  and chose the wrong person .

RYAN : None of them are even close and they know you, let's see how Aria does

JAKE : She's going to look at your eyes the minute she walks in. Avoid looking at her eyes.

They all nodded

RYAN : Okay miss Mackenzie, which one is……

She walked in a straight line in front of us but kept her distance.  And then she stopped In Front of me.

ARIA : This is Jake

RYAN : Sorry ?

ARIA :  I'm standing in front of him ,the real Jake

RYAN : Don't you want to make sure

ARIA : Oh I'm  pretty sure , I'd put my life on it

RYAN : Okay let's go back to your friends

I watched as she walked out and just smiled , Ryan looked at me. We headed back into the library. I walked over to her and kissed the top of her head ,she smiled.

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