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The officers helped Richy into the ambulance and I got in with him also Alan. The others would be behind us.

ARIA: How are you holding up Richy?

RICHY: I'll live, thanks for coming for me.

ARIA: you guys would do the same for me

ALAN: What happened Down there and I want a straight answer because you sent me to the mines but you didn't say you were down there.

ARIA: Before I called you,I was already on  a flight here. After you didn't find Hannah at first I knew we were missing something. When Michael made his demand I had just entered Duskwood. When I got to the top of the grimrock the hatch was open but there was no one around so I'm figuring you left it open .

ALAN:  then we would have run into each other .

ARIA :  no we wouldn't have because when I came in I went right

ALAN a : And I went left how did you know I went left

ARIA:  I didn't, I just chose what I thought was the right path then I followed that . I had probably been going around in circles for maybe like 15 minutes. It wasn't until I was passing by that I saw a dark shadow walking down one of the corridors. That was when you called me and I saw you find Hannah and I knew Richy was still down there.  so I kept following the shadow.

ALAN :  Hold on hold on why didn't you tell me at the same time?

ARIA :  if I had told you you would have probably left Hannah right there or taking her and then came back and I have no idea what Michael would have done to Richy

ALAN :  How do you know it was Michael

ARIA ?  well I don't know what Michael looks like and he never took off the damn mask all I knew is I followed him following the stream on my phone and I found Richy but I got there too late because before I could reach the end of the corridor I heard the gunshot and I heard him telling Richy that Anderson thought he was smart for shooting him so Richy will suffer the same and I guess that's when he shot rich in in the arm  and Leg so he couldn't move.

ALAN :  why didn't you do something

ARIA :  can't you give me a minute I'm explaining what happened

ALAN : okay fine continue your story

ARIA :  Thank you.  I was looking at him from around the corner  ,the door was open and he was standing over Richy, his back was towards the door. I guess it was adrenaline or pure stupidity but I rushed him and I pushed him over .  I grabbed Richy  and tried to get him out and that's when Michael fired the gun and I got shot on my leg he followed us for a while but we found the dark corner and I pulled Richy in I didn't see him pass bye I checked the stream but I couldn't find him it wasn't until I saw the last stream that I saw he was pouring gasoline on all the proof that he hid from in  his house he stood there and burned it and he burned himself Alan . what would possess a man to do something like that?.

ALAN :  the loss of his daughter and life

ARIA : there's something you need to know

ALAN :  but I think the statute of limitations on that is gone or I'm not sure

ALAN:  What is it?

RICHY :  it was an accident I had lent Hannah and Amy a old gremlin That was supposed to be scrapped Amy had lost something at the grimlock the night of the festival they came and asked to borrow a car so I gave them when they came back, the car, there was blood

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