Chapter 17: PORSCHAY: -

Start from the beginning

"No, Pete! This is not your fault; you didn't do anything! It's my fault!" Porsche stepped forward; he was the only not crying. But he himself was really emotional. He tried to be the strongest one for them, he wanted to be the one everyone could rely on. "After I came down late after hearing the commotion from my room, I saw Vegas, Pete, Macau... and Porschay all die in front of my eyes. I was furious and tried attacking the man in charge but he and his minions grabbed a hold of K-Kin too" His voice was shaking now. They shot him straight in the head and his lifeless body collapsed on the floor, I was about to run to him but the man grabbed me by my hair and whispered in my ear. 'You caused this'" Porsche said.

"How did you cause this?" Aat asked, he himself was feeling shivers from the story they were telling.

"You see... this was Kinn's ex-lover... he was obsessed with Kinn and till this day I don't know which one did it! In fact, I am still finding out, but I know for certain that the man who caused all of this was in love with Kinn and was so obsessed with him, he killed him!"

"But then... when starting a new life why did you all decide to leave your lovers?" Aat asked.

"Like we said before Aat" Pete finally dried up his tears. "We let our love kill the ones we loved"

"That makes no fucking sense" Aat said and ruffled his hair on the scary story they just told.

"Because you won't understand, it is the only way that they are safe, it is the only way nothing will happen to them. We were only going to help on the sidelines when the time comes, while I was still investigating all of Kinn's ex-lovers. But that didn't work, and it looks like we need a plan b" Porsche said strongly and everyone nodded. Porschay sat up straight finally and drank a bit of his hot drink to calm him down.

"Sounds like you guys are going through a lot of shit!" They heard someone say behind them, they all turned around in surprise on who it was.

"FLUKE!" They all said at once.

"Yeah, surprise! I am here" Fluke said and they looked around and the store was empty. Fluke had closed the store for them and they hadn't even noticed.

"W-What? How?" Porsche said as he looked at Fluke.

"Well for one, you guys are really loud, and two is you guys have been coming here for months now and I heard it all" Fluke said as he joined them.

"So... you know everything?" Porsche was surprised.

"Everything! From when you had sex, to your engagement party! I know it all. And you guys come individually as well, all the gossip I get to hear" Fluke said with a smile.

"Will you tell anyone?" Porschay said and fluke laughed.

"Nope, why would I? If I would I would've told everyone from the start and then send you guys to a mental hospital for your delusions" Fluke laughed but everyone stood very still.

'And you believe us?" Macau asked.

"Well... Yes actually. Because I managed to see events that happened, that you guys have talked about come true!" Fluke said and they all nodded.

"What are you getting out of this?" Pete asked him.

"Nothing! Just interested in the story. Besides I heard in the future me and Kinn make up our friendship" Fluke said and Porsche smiled then nodded.

'Yeah, and it's all thanks to Porsche!" Pete patted Porsche on the back.

'Yeah, which is why I will need your help with that" Fluke said.

"Why are you so eager?" Porsche asked.

"Because me and Kinn were like brothers, and I don't want to lose that bond I had with him" Fluke said, looking down at his hands. "Anyways, continue"

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