Just A Peck

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Arthur slept fitfully that night, dreaming of warm pillowy things pressing against his chest. He woke up groggily, but the sun was already out in full. He had to hurry. Today, the entire entourage was going to the countryside of Sapin. Kathyln had been in touch with Caera, and with the help of some Alacryan scientists, they were working on bringing advanced irrigation methods from Alacrya to Dicathen.

Harvest season was quickly approaching, and the first acres of land fitted with the tech would be experiencing their first harvest. Anticipation and excitement was high as everyone hoped the technology worked as expected. The lands the crops were planted in had arid climates and dry soil. If the experiment was a success, it can be implemented across Dicathen, reducing food scarcity concerns that many families in all nations were experiencing due to the recent war.

While the lances were not strictly needed, they were expected to be part of the entourage. Their presence in the crowd was expected in order to display that all nations remained in solidarity with one another even after the war.

After his talk with Alden last night, they had gone back to the hall and he'd lost the chance to speak with any of the people he knew. They had all been scattered throughout the room. Tessia's attention had been immediately claimed by other people. Virion had to talk to everyone that needed to plan anything related to Elenoir. The Glayders had their duties as the rulers of Sapin.

Out on his own, talking to so many people in the room, Arthur had to deal with the usual hero worship he'd met everywhere he went. Truthfully, he was tired of the constant adoration. When he was younger, even during his school years he had been treated poorly due to being a commoner. But now that he had helped win the war, he was suddenly adored by so many. In situations like these, he always found himself flustered and uneasy, never knowing the truth. It made him question whether people's feelings toward him were sincere or not.

All the experience did was make him appreciate those people who took him for what he was and not some godlike creature to be worshipped.

They all left and started walking towards a teleportation portal that led to the outskirts of Sapin. Arthur got to see Kathyln in action as a ruler and found that all her people treated her with respect and devotion. He felt happy, seeing his friend regarded so well.

The other Glayder sibling however left a far less impressive impression on Arthur. Arthur looked back and saw that Curtis had fallen into step with Tessia and was flirting with her. She was nodding, her eyes gleaming with amusement at something he said.

He jogged back to join them.

"If you could, I'd really appreciate it," she was saying. "Two would be nice. But if you could spare more, I'd be your best friend."

Curtis whistled as he looked at her with eyes that Arthur did not like. "I'm going to try to get you ten, then, because I'd like to be more than that!"

The hell? Arthur thought, not liking this conversation at all. What were they talking about?! But the two of them started giggling, and just like last night, Arthur felt like he was out of the loop somehow.

Why was everyone suddenly fawning all over Tessia?! Had she changed that much?!

Deep down, he knew that Tessia was always popular, and always had guys chasing after her. What he didn't understand was why it was bothering him so much now.

He glanced surreptitiously at her. She'd gotten rid of her more traditional elven-style attire. She was dressed now in a newer version, a more form-fitting type that Arthur had seen other girls in Elenoir begin to wear recently. Sure, it was different and he could clearly see the outline of her body. Okay, maybe more than the outline as he remembered that Tessia had really nice, soft breasts...

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