180 - Epilogue

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"This is still so weird..." Erica muttered.

"Yes, I was wondering about that." Irene spoke. "Why have we brought the cause of this whole mess here?"

"That was my idea." Erica stated. She leaned into Irene's ear, whispering something.

"I see." Irene hummed. "Clever. She could actually be quite useful. We would need a way to control her however, or else it'd be too risky with how powerful she is."

"Medea is looking for a spell that could work." I stated. "Merlin, would you know of any?"

"It's been too long." Merlin shrugged. "I'll do some digging into my memories, might find something from my old repertoire."

"Then we shall turn in for the night." Irene stated. "Amber, if you would use your Arcana to chain her up. I'll have some people watch her."

"Kage. I'd like to talk." I suddenly heard Erica Alter say to me. "Alone."

Erica shot her counterpart a look.

Erica Alter rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to steal your precious boyfriend. I just want to talk with him."

"...fine." Erica relented. "I'll be in your room, Ken!"

Of course you will.

Everybody separated to their own rooms, though it seemed like some of the girls were arguing with Erica about something. Probably pertaining to my room or something...

As everyone separated, it left only Erica Alter and I remaining.

"So? What is it?" I asked. "Is it about Azeroth?"

"No." Erica Alter crossed her arms. "I'll trust your judgement...for now. Don't make me change that."

"Alright then." I smirked. "What's this about then?"

"I heard you were the one who killed Lupercio?" Erica Alter asked.

"Yeah. I am." I replied. Where is she going with this?

She shuffled awkwardly and rubbed her arm, before finally speaking again. "Thank you..."


"...for killing him." Erica Alter continued. "He destroyed my world. While I loathe Azeroth, it's because of her resets that everyone here is alive and well. Lupercio...he was rotten to the core. Destroyed everything and everyone I held dear."

Erica Alter sighed. "Everyone's back...but if it wasn't for you then it would've happened all over again. So, thank you."

"Ah...well..." She had taken me off guard so quickly. We hadn't exactly had the best first impression of each other, even after she was no longer being controlled.

I thought she hated me. Maybe she actually didn't.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"Then I shall take my leave." Erica Alter stated, heading towards the front door.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"That's all I had left to do." Erica Alter replied. "Now I'll leave you all alone."

"You don't even have anywhere to go." I crossed my arms. "What are you trying to do?"

"Live." Erica Alter spoke.

No, I don't think so.

"You're running away." I stated. "Why?"

She glanced back at me.

"This...these aren't the people I know. This isn't the Lily I knew. This isn't the Iris, Yui, Amber, or Bianca that I knew. I don't even know why the blue-haired one is here, when she was Lupercio's right hand." Erica Alter explained.

She sighed once again with a sad but clear tone. "This world and its people already have an Erica. There's no need for me. I'm happy enough that they're alive and living good lives."

"Then what will you do?" I replied. "You don't have anything in this world. Except for us."

"Why are you being so kind?" She asked. "I tried to kill your daughter."

"And yet she saved you." I replied. "And if she forgives you, then I have to try. What kind of dad would I be?"

"...you're insane." Erica Alter shook her head.

"I know." I grinned. "Besides, can't have someone with my girlfriend's face running around and causing trouble."

"Fair enough." She wouldn't look my direction, but I felt like I could hear a slight smile gracing her lips. "I suppose I'll stay a little longer."

"Then good luck." I replied. "They may not be quite the same, but I think you'll get along with them."

Erica Alter simply nodded. She backed from the door, turning around to face me. "Then just don't forget I'm not the same Erica." She replied, before walking away to a guest room upstairs.

And as she left I saw her lips slightly upturned.

What a truly sad life she's lived. I feel some sympathy from watching her whole journey all the way back then, before any of this happened.

Back when it was just an anime.

But, now things have changed. A lot. I've become a key part of this world. At first I hated it, but I've grown to love this life.

To love them.

But there's still one thing that bothers me. Her. My sister. Kira-

No, Rose.

She's become like the others. Whether this is a side effect of this world or from her new body, who knows, but all I know is that this life won't be complete without her.

You can't have everything you want. That's not how this works.

Only gods get everything they want.

Then I'll just become a god.

But for now, I'll bide my time. Rose is planning something. Whatever she did to Azeroth is proof that. I'll let her concoct her plan. In the meantime I'll grow stronger, get closer to the ones I love.

And when Rose wants to finish this, then we will. And I'll make sure that this time, she comes back to my side.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you before. But I promise I'll be here for you now.

And with that promise lodged in my head, I climbed the stairs to the second floor. I walked up to my room, opening the door to darkness. I stepped in, when suddenly the door behind me was closed shut.

The lights came on, revealed Lily behind me. She smirked, and locked the door. Looking in front of me revealed Irene, Erica, and Bianca.

"Did you really think you'd get off that easily?" Erica smiled.

"Happy wife is a happy life, Ken." Medea teased.

"More like happy yandere, don't lose your ear." Loki laughed.

Well, here we go.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora