133 - Saving Orphans

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(Lily POV)

I hated how I did nothing. Watched as those kids were sent to slaughter. By the time I had discovered the base three fourths had already gone through. I could have saved that last fourth. Especially since Fenrir was with me.

But I didn't. If I did, then there was no doubt that the Du Lac's would find out. And before we could do anything they'd be gone, hidden from us.

It would have jeopardized everything.

I thought that I had become used to death. After killing Mother and many Children of Lupercio, I thought I had gotten used to the slaughter.

I've seen countless dead. My hands have taken multiple lives. Yet, doing nothing for those kids...I felt disgusting.

I guess I have a soft spot for children.

Today was the day after had I came back from my information gathering. We were back at the table, the time for us to strike almost here.

I picked up a couple of things from the talking, but luckily Ken translated for me so I had the full picture.

Everybody started to stand up. I followed their lead, getting to my feet. They started to walk out of the room, heading out.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We finished getting ready." Ken stated. "I now have a special device in case we need to contact them."

He pointed to a small device sat in his ear.

"Now we need to head to the base." Ken continued. "That's what the others are doing."

Erica walked over, a small Fenrir sitting on her shoulder. "Hey...be safe, you two."

"We will." Ken stated. "Don't die on us."

"Not yet." Erica smiled. She gave each of us a hug, before planting a kiss on Ken's mouth. "I'll see you soon."

"Alright." Ken sweetly smiled at her as she walked off.

I wanted Ken to smile at me that way. A smile full of love. I was so envious of Erica. She got to kiss Ken so lovingly. I love Erica, but I couldn't help but be jealous.

I really am terrible.

"Lily." Ken said, looking over to me. "Lead the way."

"Okay." I nodded.

We exited Erica's home, sneakily heading to the base. It was in an abandoned warehouse, like almost all secret bases are. It's underground, similar to what I've heard from Iris about Isaac's base.

It didn't take long to make it to the abandoned warehouse. Despite the fact it was supposed to be abandoned, there were guards around. Really, how did no one notice this before?

We waited for the clock to hit 1:00. If we started too early, they may contact main base and the Du Lac's will be on guard, if not fleeing.

Once the clock struck 1:00, we finally attacked. For now, we were being stealthy. We dropped down. I stabbed one of the guards through the neck with a knife, grabbing his mouth from behind so no one could hear his gurgling screams.

Ken easily decapitated the other guard outside of the warehouse with his sword, blood spewing from their neck. It was beautiful how gracefully he did it.

Ken slammed the doors open to the warehouse. There were multiple guards sitting at a table, playing some cars game. They launched to their feet, looking towards us.

I sunk into the shadows, planning to sneak behind them. It wasn't even needed as Ken morphed his sword into a pistol, fiery bullets flying out and peppering the guards with holes. They dropped down, their blood soaking the stone floor.

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