141 - An Outing With Xena

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Xena tightly held onto my hand, her other hand clutching Lily's. We were walking through Tokyo, showing her around.

"This is a corner-store." I stated. "They have multiple things that one might need. This is close to Lily and Erica's apartment building."

"Apartment building?" Xena asked curiously, looking at Lily.

"I live in an apartment building." Lily stated. "Unlike Ken who lives with Irene in her Mansion."

"Why?" Xena asked.

"Because..." Lily struggled to find an answer. "Because I haven't been invited...?"

"That's not fair!" Xena pouted.

"It's alright." I smiled. "We can always ask Irene, Iris, and Isabella later. I'm pretty sure they would be fine with it. Do you want to go see Lily's home?"

"Yeah!" Xena happily replied.

We walked over to the Ellie's apartment building which I used to live in with Erica and Lily. It had been a while since I had come here, actually.

We entered the apartment building. Immediately people started to look at us, gazing at the child inbetween us. Especially a group of older women, likely mothers.

"Look at that couple with their...child?" One pointed out.

"They seem really young, especially for a child that old..." One whispered. "But that is a Succubus..."

"Maybe they're her siblings?" One suggested.

"They don't look like siblings, and they are definitely too old. And only one is a Succubus." Another one stated. "I think adoption."

"Really? I wonder what happened?" One sighed.

One of them took a deep breath, before walking towards us. Lily seemed slightly surprised that one of them was approaching us while Xena looked at her curiously.

Lily took her own breath, preparing herself for whatever the mother was going to say. She probably thought the mother was going to belittle her, due to the child and her race as a Succubus.

"Hello." The woman greeted. "My name is Naomi Suzuki. I live in room 107, and if you ever need help with parenting you can come by. I'm a mother of four, so I can always give you tips."

"Oh, wow....thank you." Lily gasped, surprised.

"It's no problem." Naomi smiled. "You seem really young, so I thought that if I could possibly help I could relieve some worries."

"I...I really appreciate it." Lily nodded. "I'll definitely stop by."

"Good." She smiled, before looking towards me. "You better take responsibility."

So she thinks we're at that stage...

"Okay." I replied.

"Ken?!" Lily gasped, her face going red.

"Oh, how nice to see young people in love." She giggled, making Lily become even redder. "Good luck, you two."

"A-a-a-h..." Lily stuttered as Naomi walked away.

Xena pulled on my pants leg. "Are you two in love?" She asked, tilting her head.

"We are." I told her, making Lily's whole face go red like a tomato.

"But what about that elf woman?" She asked, confused.

"It's...complicated." I replied. "And not normal. I'll explain it later, okay?"

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