170 - Attempts To Save

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"I bet you can't get up here!" Lily laughed from the top of the gymnastics set up in the training room. With tons of bars, platforms, and more, it was the perfect spot for any sort of flexibility, gymnastics, or parkour like training.

"Just you wait..." Amber cracked her knuckles with a grin on her face. "I'm going to wipe that smile on her face!"

She threw her hands to her sides, fire blasting from out of them as she shot into the air and heading straight for Lily.

"What the hell?!" Lily screeched as she jumped to another platform. "Did you learn that from Ken?!"

I watched Amber chase Lily around. Ever since their new rivalry a couple of days ago they've been fighting like cats and dogs.

Honestly, it's entertaining. But I need to train right now, so I painfully tore my vision away from them.

"Aw man, I was enjoying the show." Loki sighed.

"Hmm..." Medea's voice buzzed in my head. "I have an idea."

What is it?

"If we can find something which matters a lot to her, we can do a 'reset' so to speak, and boot Azeroth's control from her mind." Medea explained. "With how strong Erica's mental fortitude is, the slightest crack should allow Erica to realize and then regain control. We just need something familiar and important."

That's...super cliche.

"They do that for every movie." Loki noted.

"And it's not wrong." Medea replied. "Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't tried it yet."

I figured that if I could've done that, it would've happened when we were fighting. But maybe the control has weakened now that we're in a different dimension?

"Or you could try using an item." Medea added.

You know, I figure I matter more, and I hope I would, but I'd rather lose to an item and get Erica's head back on straight then not getting her back at all.

I looked back at the cat fighting Lily and Amber, before moving out of the training room and taking the elevator to the main floor to make it to the empty guest room in which Erica is being held.

So far, nobody has produced a possible solution to curing Erica yet. We've been looking but no possible answers have been found, other than the obvious one which Medea has supplied.

I exited the elevator and headed towards the guest room, entering it to see Erica still chained up to the chair while Aoi stood rigidly upright, her scythe in her hands.

"Good job Aoi." I smiled.

"Thank you." Aoi gave a slight bow. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm just trying something." I stated.

I crouched down in front of Erica so that we were eye to eye. "Hey, remember me?"

"Of course I know who you are." Erica scoffed. "Azeroth has supplied me with everything I need to know about you."

"Clearly not everything, since you don't remember our time together. How'd we meet?" I asked.

"In the arena." Erica replied. "Leave. Your efforts are useless. You will get nothing from me. Your time is better spent in preparing for the new world."

I bit my lip in frustration.

"Do you remember this?" I asked, cutting a rift through the air with my finger. Her eyes locked intently onto the rift as I pulled out a specific item.

The YSquare Erica and I have played many games on.

Erica gave it a light quizzical look, before turning to look back at my rift. She was much more interested in that. I quickly put the YSquare back and then closed the rift.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora