176 - The Queen's Past

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Apocalypse was the only word that could be used to describe the surroundings. Destroyed buildings, a darkened sky filled with smoke, and a rancid smell of death which laid over the land.

What a vivid vision. Not only could I see and hear, but I could also smell. I couldn't touch anything however, other than the ground with my feet. Any attempt to touch the ground with my hands or the young Azeroth with either my hands or feet yielded no results.

So I simply followed her through this destroyed world. I couldn't hear Loki or Medea, there wasn't much else I could do right now.

I wasn't really worried, however. Erica will protect me if I'm currently vulnerable.

As I followed the young Azeroth, I couldn't help but feel she looked familiar. Eerily familiar. It unsettled me. But I continued to follow the young girl.

She slowly walked, her head staring at the floor. It was as if she had given up. On everything. She simply continued to aimlessly walk forwards, with no clear destination in sight.

"Hey!" A voice suddenly shouted.

Azeroth looked up, only to be picked up by the hair by a man. She struggled, kicking at the man's chest and grasping at his hand.

"It's a little girl?" Another man spoke, approaching.

There was a group of four of them, with the one which looked like the leader holding her up into the air by her hair.

"I wonder how a little girl survived everything." The third one hummed.

"It doesn't matter how this little girl survived." The fourth sighed. "It's a little girl. They can't do anything."

"What should we do boss?" The second one asked.

Azeroth stayed silent while continuing to kick at the man in an attempt to get him to release her. He suddenly let go, causing her to crash into the ground. She winced, looking up at the boss which started to grin.

"Let's have some fun." He laughed, pulling out his knife. "It's been a while since we've had a victim to slice."

Azeroth looked up at them with wide, fearful eyes.

To attempt to torture a child. How disgusting.

If I could have touched them, they would've been dead in an instant. Even if it was Azeroth, as of now she's just a little child. She reminds me too much of my adopted daughter like this, with such a tragedy at a young age. Maybe she wouldn't become who she is now.

The man raised his knife. The henchmen watched in excited anticipation. And then a bang rang out through the silence.

The man's face exploded, blood splattering across Azeroth. She quickly shuffled to the side as the man fell to the ground, blood pooling around his head. There was a hole straight through his head.

The henchmen looked at their boss in pure shock, slowly turning behind them to see who just murdered him.


Ken Kage stared down the two remaining men, a gun in his hand and pointed towards them. It was me. Another different me.

Suddenly Azeroth's random and strange words started to make sense. The puzzles were starting to piece themselves together in my mind.

"I will give you one chance to leave this girl alone." Ken narrowed his eyes at them. "Leave."

His hand was shaking. He wasn't used to the killing. Certainly didn't enjoy it the same way I sometimes did.

The other men seemed to notice, regaining confidence...and anger. A lot of anger.

"Bastard!" The man rushed at him, fist raised.

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