144 - Roses Are Red, Blood Is Too

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She stared at me. We sat in a short silence, before she finally broke it with a sigh and a scratch to the back of the head.

"So...you finally figured it out." She stated.

"For a while now." I informed. "I would have noticed as soon as you cut your hair, but I didn't want to believe that my classmate also attempted to murder me."

"So, are you going to try it?" I asked her. I have a 'come here' gesture. "Try it."

"I'm not here for the bounty." She replied. "The Council are idiots for thinking some assassins will be able to kill you. No, I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me?" I questioned. "Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have a reason to, but I am on your side." Rose stated. "Do you know how Principal got off of her house arrest?" With how she said it, it was obvious what her answer was going to be.

"You?" I asked.

"Yes. I convinced them." She stated.

"And why would those idiots listen to an assassin and let Principal off?" I replied, narrowing my eyes at her.

"I have an ability which makes people more susceptible to my words. It has varying levels of effect on people." She stated.

"And you aren't using it here." I noted.

"No." She shook her head. "I'm here to warn you, and if I did that then you would definitely notice and I'd lose all form of trust."

She was right. While I didn't exactly trust her, she did help me before so it was entirely possible whatever she would tell me could be the truth. But I was still going to be cautious. Rather not get stabbed by one of her katanas again.

"So...what are you going to warn me about?" I asked.

"My Goddess informed that there is a dark force outside of our own world, hiding in the shadows until it strikes." She stated.


"...what?" I asked. "Stop being cryptic."

"Another Demon King." She restated.

No way...Loki, does she look like she's lying?

"No." Loki grimaced. "I think she's telling the truth..."

"She is not deceiving you." Medea stated. "Trust me, I would know."

Damn it.

"...are you kidding me?" I growled in annoyance.

"No." She shook her head. "I wish I was, but there is another Demon King coming. Lupercio wasn't the only one, and another is going to take attempt to take advantage of his death."

She knows his name...only few knew of his actual name, otherwise than the title of "Demon King"...

"So there are multiple Demon Kings...does that mean I'll have to keep fighting them?" I sighed.

"No." She replied. "The Demon Kings reside in different worlds, so most never interact with each other as they are in different parts of the multiverse. However, this Demon King happened to be close enough to have met Lupercio at one point."

"And this is...?" I questioned.

"They call him Demon King Azeroth." She stated.

"How annoying..." I sighed. "So, is that everything?"

"One last thing." She stated. "My Goddess informed me that soon Azeroth is going to figure out how to send minions here. You're going to be the number one target, so be careful of both assassins and his lackeys."

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