175 - Divine Shift

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A dark void. An empty, familiar, pitch-black void. I was just in the colosseum, but now I had appeared here.

"Ken." A friend's voice spoke from behind. I turned around, seeing Loki standing behind me.

"You ready to do this?" He asked, cracking a grin.

I felt a smile crawl onto my own face. "Absolutely."

Loki outstretched his hand. And with a single step, I took it. And suddenly, it was if Loki and I had become one.

Shadows crawled up from the ground, covering every inch of my body in seconds, leaving me as a shadowy figure other than two glowing green eyes. A shadow cape fluttered behind me while two shadow horns stretched from my head, larger than the horned headband I wore when armored.

Green lightning coursed around my shadowy body, and I felt more powerful than I ever had before. Even more so than when using the power of the Four Great Sages.

I was back in the arena, Loki still in my hand. The black-steel axe sparked with lightning, raring to go. I looked over to Azeroth, who had stopped and was now staring at me.

And then she started to laugh. "This is incredible! What amazing po-"

I instantly appeared in front of her, moving at speeds I had never reached before. I gripped her face with my shadowy claw, throwing her with a shockwave. She slammed into the wall on the other side of the colosseum, large cracks spreading throughout.

"Now don't you think you should wait and let me finish?" Azeroth grinned.

She dashed at me as I moved towards her, our blades colliding with a monstrous impact. I was starting to overpower her, until she threw our weapons to the side and head butted me.

However, I wasn't affected too much.

I socked her in the face, sending her flying away once more. She quickly recovered mid air, digging her feet into the ground and readying her sword once more.

It was funny. I was burning with rage, more rage than I have ever possibly felt before. Even more so than against Lupercio.

And yet I felt calm.

Azeroth's speed was still at extreme levels, able to immediately engage me in combat once more. I dodged her fast strikes of her blade, but missed my swing of my axe as she ducked under and punched me in the gut.

I felt the wind leave me for a second, but that was all it took for her to roundhouse kick me in the side and send me flying. She didn't let up, following me through the air and bringing her heel down on me, sending me into the ground and sending sand flying into the air.

I jumped into the air, above the sand, and started to create fire from my hands as I temporarily desummoned Loki. I shot down two beams of fire through the sand cloud as I started to fall back down, moving them around to try and hit Azeroth.

As I fell back to the ground, I quickly moved out of the way, I'm case of an attack while I was open. With my prediction being correct, I was able to take Azeroth off guard, being behind where she expected me to be.


The green fire in my hand burned down my arm, lightning sparking around it as I slammed the fist upwards into Azeroth, uppercutting her up into the sky.

Azeroth twisted to look down at me, gathering energy in her blade to strike, only for suddenly a blast of white light to send her flying back down.

"You have a fucking death wish." Erica spoke, now standing next to me.

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