163 - Another World

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(Bianca POV)

Where...am I...?

I groggily opened my eyes, being met with an unfamiliar ceiling. Immediately I became alert, jumping off of the bed I was resting in. I was just with Ken and Erica, fighting that...other Ken in the void.

How did I get here?

The door opened, revealing a maid. I quickly summoned Skadi, swinging her around and leaving the sharp end against the maid's neck. The maid froze in terror, shakily looking into my eyes.

"Where am I?" I demanded.

"I-In the castle of Demon King Beelzebub..." The maid stammered.

Are you kidding me? Another Demon King? I quickly smacked the maid in the side of the head, knocking her cleanly out. Catching her body, I then placed it onto the bed.

I need to get out of here. Who knows how strong this Demon King is. I likely won't be able to face him alone. Ken will come after me, so I just need to escape this castle and stay safe until then.

I exited my room, looking down the hallways. Nobody seems to be here. I quietly went down the hallway, glancing around the corner to see some armored guards. They both had name tags on the armor, revealing the names Kitt and Larry.

I could easily take them, but quietly is a different question. They seem relaxed, so a sudden attack might work, but to do it quickly enough without making a commotion would likely be impossible without murder. I would rather not kill at the moment.

"Oh hey, you're up!" A voice said from behind me.

Shit! I was flanked!

I quickly turned around, now being face to face with a blond woman with emerald green eyes. She wore a white cape which went over her shoulders and covered her whole body like a robe.

She seemed friendly. Looks are deceiving. She could easily be hiding a weapon behind her. I tightly gripped Skadi, sending her a cautious gaze.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." The woman put her hands up. "We found you unconscious in quite the dangerous place. Are you alright?"

"...yeah." I slowly stated, still cautious of this woman. If she works for a Demon King, she cannot be trusted.

"Well, that's good." She smiled. "I don't know why you were there though."

"...I don't know." I finally told her.

"Do you have amnesia?" She gasped.

I shook my head.

"No?" She looked at me, confused.

"Strange portal." I stated, remembering what had happened. My hands gripped a little harder.

I miss Ken. I want to see him. I want to pet him.

"Oh, I see." The woman stated. "I don't know much about portals, but my b-, I mean Demon King Beelzebub should know."

Damn it. I didn't want to get close to Demon King Beelzebub, but it would be tougher to take this woman down. I don't know her strength. She could be normal, or she could be as strong as some of the subordinates of other Demon Kings.

I'll go along for now. But if an opportunity rises, then I'll take it. Whether that opportunity is making a tactical retreat, or committing a murder. I'll do anything to get back to Ken.


"Oh, and you can call me Lili." The girl finally introduced herself. "My sisters call me that. Well, everybody calls me that."

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