038 | mr. & mrs. malfoy

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"Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Yes," Kallista answers quietly, bringing the rim of her wineglass to her lips. "I think I do."

"Do you think Malfoy's your soulmate?" Kaïa inquires softly, leaning back in her seat.

Surprised by this sudden question, Kallista takes a few moments to answer as she sips on the beverage. She frowns, her gaze settling on the half-consumed bottle of Chardonnay placed in the middle of the table.

"I—Uh—What the fuck, Kaïa?" she hisses, scooting forward so she doesn't draw anyone's attention as she says, "I don't know. I mean, I think we all have someone who is meant to enter our lives, someone special but—I don't know."

A gentle smile etches at Kaïa's lips as she notices the flush on the brunette's face. "I see the way you two are with each other. I wouldn't even be surprised if it were the case."

"You sound like my mother." After glaring at her friend, she exhales a sigh. "All of this is scary," she mumbles, a deep crease in between her brows. She looks at her left hand holding the stem of the glass, lingering her gaze on her wedding ring. "I'm just starting to understand my feelings for him."

"At least he reciprocates those feelings as well," the blonde notes. "That's reassuring, isn't it?"

Kallista nods. "I guess it is."

Silence reigns as she allows her heart to thump against her sternum. Placing the wineglass atop the table, she toys with the diamond on her right hand, utter perplexity drawn on her face.

Just as Kaïa opens her mouth to speak, Auden halts in front of their table, placing two glasses of Champagne in front of them followed by a small bowl filled with nuts to snack on.

"Hey, Kalli," he beams. "Congratulations again. I didn't get to see you after the wedding night."

She stands up, accepting his embrace as he wraps his arms around her shoulders. "Thank you. And thank you for attending the bar."

"Of course," he whispers in her ear. "What are friends for?"

When they pull away, he applies a light pressure on her shoulders, his smile still bright. "I hope you're happy."

She nods and smiles softly. "I am. Thank you, Auden."

The tattooed barista winks before stepping backwards. "I'll catch you two during my break. It's kind of hectic right now," he states, pointing his finger to the bar area where a queue has formed.

When Kallista sits back down, she instantly takes a gulp of the bubbles, her eyes closing for a flickering second.

"How was the first night back here?" Kaïa asks, reaching over to pluck a cashew nut out of the bowl.

The brunette's mouth twists slightly in a grimace. "Back to square one; we're both sleeping in our respective rooms."

"What?" Kaïa belows, though the sound of her voice can't be heard through the loud volume of the music. "But... Why? What is wrong with you two? You spent a whole week fucking and now you're back to ignoring each other?"

Kallista scoots forward to lean her elbow atop the table, placing her chin in the palm of her hand. She stares absently at her friend's empty wineglass, a pout forming on her lips. "It's so awkward, Miller. We don't know how to act around each other here. Besides, we didn't do anything except make out during the honeymoon."

Kaïa's eyes widen, a small gasp flying past her lips. "Poor guy, he must be having terrible blue balls right now."

"Probably," Kallista snorts.

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