010 | astoria & theodore

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"Don't marry him."

Green eyes watch Kallista's every move as she wraps white silk sheets around her bare body. Her gaze settles on Theodore, sat up against the headboard, hands locked behind his head.

Kallista furrows her eyebrows as she scans his face. Cheeks flushed from their previous activity, hair tousled, small grin plastered on his lips.

"You know I have to." She speaks with a soft tone, reaching to him to caress his cheek. He leans into her touch, eyes closing all whilst embracing the moment.

Theo's eyes pierce back into her blue ones, "Run away with me."

Kallista feels like being seventeen again, wrapped inside Theo's sheets in his dorm at Hogwarts with the reflections of the Black Lake lurking upon the walls, and the stars shining on the ceiling.

It feels like he's asking her to leave everything behind again so they can be together at last.

"We can't."

Kallista swears she can hear his heart breaking inside his chest. He nods nonetheless, understanding completely. His hand snakes behind her neck to pull her close to him. A chaste kiss gets pressed upon her lips.

"I know." He mumbles, his fingers fiddling with her curls, "I miss your long hair."

Kallista doesn't respond. Instead, she lies down on her back letting her gaze settle on the blank ceiling.

Long hair Kallista is the old her. The young, naive and lost girl, navigating through the struggles of being second in class, having to take care of her own heart whilst putting up the facade of the 'Slytherin princess'.

Now she is at peace with herself — well, she was until the deal with the Malfoy's came up. She knows what she wants, she knows which battles are worth fighting for and she doesn't care anymore about what people think.

But oh, how she wishes to drop everything and run away with Theodore. But life isn't all pink, unicorns and flowers. The both of them have jobs, missions to fulfil, responsibilities to take care of.

They agreed to keep things casual this time. Kallista is aware about the way Theo feels about her. He cares about her the exact same way he used to years ago. But he doesn't want to get too attached again. Kallista is bound to marry his best friend.

The pair stays silent for a couple of minutes, simply listening to the sound of their steady breathing.

Kallista looks up at Theo. He looks peaceful, eyes closed as his fingers trace patterns upon the bare skin of her arm. His other hand is still placed behind his head, occasionally ruffling his messy hair.

"We have to take the Vow."

The brunet's eyes shoot open to lock to Kallista's. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Seriously?" He watches Kallista sit up. She grabs a hair tie from her nightstand to pull her wild locks into a small bun on top of her head. The silk sheets drop slightly, revealing more skin to him. "I thought this whole thing was supposed to be fake."

The brunette exhales deeply, "It is. My parents just talked it through without asking for my opinion."

Typical parents.

Theo's tongue passes over his lips, "So you will have to let yourself fall for him."

She shakes her head, "Not happening. He's a self-centered, egoistical prick. We don't see eye to eye. Can you really see myself falling for Malfoy?"

Theodore lifts his shoulders in a shrug, his lips forming into a sort of grimace, "You've never given him a chance. There's much more to him than his arrogant behaviour. He has changed, you know."

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