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"Good morning, Kallista."

The sky is dotted with small yet puffy dark clouds, drifting hastily in the winter breeze. Rain has finally stopped pouring, droplets of water are still cascading down the windows as brighter light tries to push its way through the clouds.

A faint ray of sunshine enters a water droplet, reflecting multiple colours on Kallista's rolls of parchment.

Her gaze settles on the rainbow, a small smile plastering her lips as she listens to the quick steps of Gawain Robards strolling towards her desk.

"Good morning." She finally says as he takes a seat across from her.

Robards is dressed in his Auror uniform. His fingers tap on the leather armrests as his eyes flicker over Kallista's face. His mouth opens before closing back again as he struggles to find the words to say.

"Just say it, Robards." Kallista sighs, her fingers gripping on her cup of tea. "Whatever bad news you are bringing, just tell me already."

Gawain furrows his eyebrows, "Who said anything about bad news?"

A huff escapes her mouth as she feels her head spinning. Her eyes briefly close whilst her body tries to fight the growing fatigue.

It's only ten in the morning. The cold air and the gloomy weather aren't beneficial factors to her tiredness.

It has been over a week since the New Year's Eve party at Malfoy Manor.

Kallista and Draco haven't seen each other since then. The both of them were on winter break for a week before coming back into work.

Despite the blurry visions, the vague memories of the end of the night and the constant fighting with her mind to not think of it, the powers of thought are too strong for her liking.

She wishes she could be an Occlumens to block all of it out. His long fingers trailing down her bare back, his lips latching onto hers in a feverish yet short kiss.

"Well?" She clears her throat and waits for the man to speak up. Her mind has snapped back to reality.



Kallista glances behind Robards' head to watch Draco strut inside, his fingers fixing the buttons of his uniform.

When his eyes meet hers, they are filled with coldness, little to no emotion within them. Tensed features, jaw clenched, no smug smirk plastered on his lips.

Draco is the first one to look away, not being able to stare any longer into those wide ocean eyes.

Kallista gapes at him, perfectly plucked eyebrows arched, "Did you die during your last mission and come back from the dead?"

Draco peers at her and scoffs at her question, plopping down onto the seat next to his boss, "No."

"Do you have a fever?"


"Have you gone bloody mental?"

Draco snorts, amused by her stupid questioning, before plopping his feet on Kallista's desk. She glares at him and he simply tilts his head as a sly grin draws itself on his pink lips.

There he is.

Robards glances between the blond and the young woman, "Why do you ask?"

"He never greets me." Kallista mumbles to Robards before flicking two fingers to push Draco's feet off the table with wandless magic.

Much to his surprise, she isn't harsh with her motion. His feet plop back down swiftly. He finds himself being utterly disappointed when he doesn't almost fall out of his chair.

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