021 | heartless

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Running away from reality and avoiding the truth has always been Kallista's speciality.

You would think it's paradoxal, right? As a lawyer — the highest paid, the most successful lawyer working at the Ministry, being honest is one of her main obligations.

But there she is, hiding and shielding her own heart from any harm. She can't let this unbearable feeling to course through her chest once more.

Acting as though seeing Theodore being with someone else didn't matter to her, her heart screamed otherwise. Her vital organ felt like loosing its powers, ready to give up on her. Aching, pounding, being ripped apart in half, only pleading for the pain to stop.

Kallista was never in love with Theodore — she knows it. But having to witness him with Astoria as she was replaying all the promises he'd made to her only broke her.

How could she trust him? The only man who had stuck by her side ever since they were children, the only person to make her feel important.

Kallista is heartbroken, but she won't let anyone know she's hurting. And especially not Draco.


"What do you want, Astoria?"

"I just want to talk." Her voice is small, timid. "Please."

Jaw clenched, Draco leans back in his office chair, peering up at the witch standing by the door. Astoria shifts uncomfortably on her feet when his cold eyes pierce through her own.

"Then talk."

She takes a step forward, "I wanted to apologise for what happened last week at the party."

"Stay where you are." Draco says hoarsely, frowning at her, "Don't you dare come near me."

Astoria's shoulders fall, "Draco," She inhales deeply, "Listen to me."

"The door is right behind you." He points to the entry before crossing his arms over his chest, "If you're here just to irritate the fuck out of me, just leave. I already have Howard to annoy me, and one witch is enough."

The truth is Draco hasn't seen Kallista since she fled the party. Only glaring at him and bumping harshly into his shoulder, she left France to come back to London. And ever since then, he hasn't heard from her.

He doesn't know if she comes to the office, and he wonders if people are questioning the fact that they haven't walked into the Ministry together for days.

Although their picture from the engagement party made the front cover of the Daily Prophet on Monday, Draco ponders if Kallista has seen it or if she has been avoiding the whole situation.

He gestures to Astoria in a hurried way, "Hurry up, I have a meeting soon."

"I know I've already said it, but I truly did not want it to happen like that," Astoria says in a whisper.

Draco narrows his eyes, "Who were you trying to hurt?" He stands up, laying his palms flat out on the wooden desk, "Me? By lying and trying to pull me into your mess — by announcing me I would become a father?"

Astoria shakes her head, "I didn't know what to do to keep you by my side."

"You're insane for doing that, Astoria. When you told me you were with child, were you already fucking Theo?"

By the lack of response, the answer is clear.

"Were you trying to hurt Kallista?" He continues with a stern voice, "You were jealous of her — of her power, her reputation. So you chose to have Theo in order to hurt her. Am I wrong?"

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