011 | happy new year

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It's a quarter past nine when Kallista feels Draco's cold hand on the small of her bare back.

Flute of champagne in hand, eyes twinkling with joy as Blaise speaks up, Kallista turns to Draco. His jaw is clenched as his eyes roam over the crowded room, avoiding the brunette's curious gaze.

"Excuse me?" His eyes meet hers. She arches an eyebrow before flicking her eyes down to his hand.

"Yes, Miss Howard?" Draco mumbles to her as he brings the rim of his glass of whiskey to his lips.

Her skin is soft, delicate and warm underneath his touch, contrasting with his cold rings pressed to the flesh.

Kallista peers at him and scoots closer to his side. His hand doesn't budge as she moves. She meets Theodore's gaze quickly. The latter furrows his brows as he watches the witch whisper in Draco's ear.

Her lips stop a few centimetres away from his ear, "Can't you put your hand somewhere else?"

Draco's lips curve upwards into a smug smirk before taking a small sip of his beverage, "The only covered part is your... bottom."

He lets his eyes saunter over her figure. Her tight black dress hugs her frame to the perfection. Thin straps made out of pearls resting on her shoulders, low cut on the back reaching just above her back dimples, revealing her honey skin and a few beauty marks that seem to catch Draco's attention.

"I bet you're just dying to put your hand there." Kallista chuckles at him. She watches him roll his silver eyes. Her lips graze the shell of his ear in a light-feather way and she swears she can perceive tiny goosebumps appear on the skin below the hair at the nape of his neck.

"You have exactly three seconds to retreat your hand before I hex you in front of your guests."

Draco doesn't budge. He lets his eyes flicker with amusement at her threat. Kallista rotates her body by a quarter turn. His hand snakes around her waist, holding her close to his chest. Surprised by their closeness, her free hand comes to rest on his shoulder.

He smells like peppermint with a tad of bergamot. His breath reeks of expensive and old whiskey.

"Do you want me to ignore you the whole evening and act like you're not my girlfriend?" His eyes saunter over her face. She has freckles on her nose. Has he never seen them before? "That's not the plan."

She can feel his hand resting on her bare skin as her heart thuds inside her chest. "Obliviate me after tonight."

Her eyes settle on his lips tugging into a taunting smile, "Now, what would be the fun in that?"

Her head tilts slightly to the side as she watches his face. He has a dimple on his right cheek. Since when?

"I like seeing you squirm." His voice holds a hint of mockery.

Kallista steps back, not breaking their eye contact. His hand drops to his side before finding its way inside the front pocket of his trousers. The smirk plastered on his lips has got Kallista frustrated. Oh, how she wishes to wipe it off of his handsome face.

Kallista finds herself missing his touch instantly. The cold air hits her skin. The warmth of his big hand lingers and tingles rush through her body.

No. She's being delusional.

"Fuck you." She mouthes to him, her eyes narrowing.

His tongue rolls on the inside of his cheek, "In your wildest dreams, Howard."

Their staring contest gets interrupted by Astoria clearing her throat loudly.


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