032 | closure

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Air gets knocked out of Kallista's lungs the moment someone bumps into her, making her drop her foam cup onto the ground.

"I'm so, so sorry—"

Just as she is about to reach down to grab the empty cup, her interlocutor beats her to it and crouches down in front of her.

Kallista blinks down at the man, her thoughts spiralling inside her mind like a tornado ready to strike.

He winces at the sight of the spilled beverage next to their shoes. "Let me buy you another one—"

"It's okay."

At the sound of her firm tone of voice, the man's eyes dart upwards to lock his gaze to Kallista's. It seems as though the world stops spinning for a heartbeat all the whilst he blinks, processing the reality of the current events.

"Kallista," he breathes. A small crease forms in between his thick brows as he flickers his emerald eyes between hers. "Hi."

"Theodore," she notes slowly, squaring her shoulders to stare into his eyes. He straightens himself, his hands falling to his sides, his lips agape.

"How—" He pauses, taking a small moment to simply look at her. Kallista's chest aches at the sight of his eyes being washed over by an evident wave of sorrow. "How have you been?"

She thinks that maybe she should turn around and forget about him. Maybe she should leave him standing there, next to the puddle of coffee, leaving the pedestrians bump into him as they hurry to get to work. Maybe she should flip him off or hex him — but she doesn't know what would be the point of using violence.

But it has been two months since she last saw him — since that night, at the pub when she danced with Draco. When he tried to distract her from the affliction the situation with Theo had put her in — and succeeded, effortlessly so.

She keeps her face straight and shrugs, "I've been alright. Been rather busy with work."

"That's a good thing, I suppose," Theo replies with a small nod.

Their surroundings are blurry as they keep their gazes locked. Kallista can't help but feel a grip of remorse clenching at her heart whilst she stares into his crestfallen eyes. She had realised, all these months ago, that she was selfish. That she played him, too.

Theo is wearing an all-black Italian suit, and she takes a small guess that he has just come out of a meeting. An odd aching twist in her chest makes her comprehend she misses him. More as a friend than anything else.

She doesn't want to hurt herself. Doesn't want to let all those upsetting and irritating feelings consume her mind. Doesn't want to act as though it was her fault they walked into separate directions.

"Well," she starts, clicking her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Have a great day—"

"Don't be like this, please." He takes a step forward, a small exhale flying past his lips. "Can I buy you another coffee?"

Kallista hates how she can't find the strength to retort and snap at him. Hates how she misses his eyes and his words of comfort. Hates how she is too selfless at times.

She glances at the small watch adorning her left wrist. She sighs in defeat and tilts her head to the side. "Is it too early for wine?"

When Theo barks out a laugh, shaking his head in exasperation, she raises her brows in amusement. "You haven't changed, have you?"

The brunette lifts her shoulders in a half shrug.

He motions with his chin towards the pub down the street, his eyes gleaming with sparks of hope. "Come on," he smiles, "it's my treat."

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