014 | roommates

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Miscommunication can lead to frustration.

Frustration can lead to anger.

And in Kallista's and Draco's case, anger can lead to almost killing one another.

Let's say that cohabitating isn't made for the pair.

Draco spends most of his time in Kallista's penthouse. And she must know it by now; he is extremely stubborn. No matter how hard she tries to convince him to go back to the Manor, he won't budge.

Kallista wonders how Astoria must feel.

Kallista and Draco walk back to her place together after work. Usually, her arm is linked to his as they walk in silence, mentally cursing the other and trying to not scowl too much.

He sometimes eats dinner at her place or simply watches a tv series before going back to the Manor.

Yes, Draco does go back to Astoria.

She still is his actual girlfriend after all. He might not be in love with her, but she brings him comfort and he finds himself being home whenever he's with her.


"I'm hungry." Draco calls, strutting inside the kitchen.

Kallista peers up from the case she's working on to look at the blond. He rakes a hand through his hair, his black jumper lifting up.

His porcelain skin shows. Her eyes dart to his lowly hung sweatpants and catches a small glimpse of his prominent v-line before the sweater falls back down.

"There's food in the fridge." She tells him, gazing back down at her paperwork.

"I don't want leftovers."

She breathes deeply before lifting her glasses on top of her head. Her tongue passes over her lips, wetting them as she watches Draco take a seat on the stool across from her.

Her eyebrows shoot up, "Are you waiting for me to cook you something?"

Faking his best smile and showing off pearly-whites, he leans his chin in the palm of his hand, "Obviously."

Draco will never admit it, but Kallista is one of the greatest cook he's ever met.



"What are you doing?" Draco asks as he stumbles into the kitchen.

His eyes trail down Kallista's frame. She's wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt, which is probably Theodore's.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She scoffs, not sparing him a look, "Golfing?"

"What's golfing?" He curiously asks and walks towards her.

The smell of Italian herbs fill his nostrils and he feels his stomach grumble.

With one hand placed on her hip as her body weight is balanced on a leg, she stirs the concoction boiling on the stove with furrowed eyebrows.

She always furrows her brows when she's focused on something. As each day passes by, Draco realises that he pays more and more attention to her, and he hates it.

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