"Not in the mood to blow you to pieces, Prewett", I sneered.

"Oh come on Sallow, worried you're going to lose to me", he mocked. I knew he was just trying to get a reaction out of me and frankly it was working.

"Fine", grabbing my wand, we took our stances in the middle of the classroom. Students gather, eager to see the outcome of the duel.

"Scared Sallow?"

"You wish, Prewett."

Thus the duel began, throwing spells back and forth, I was getting quite annoyed the git was just deflecting every spell I threw at him.

"Bombarda", I cast, its impact knocking the skull head and just as it was about to crush him, Hecat came to save the day.

"Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time. I get new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull."

"Damn", I muttered.

Since Hecat so coincidentally used Levioso to save that blasted Gryffindor, she decided that's what we would learn today. I already mastered it so casting it on various objects was a piece of cake.

"Very good, but the best way to practise is by duelling."

She turned her attention to me, "Mr Sallow, care to do the honours."

I turned to face you, running a hand through my brown locks, a smirk emerging as I stared into your eyes, "with pleasure."

The two of you took a stance as Hecat commenced the duel, "this should be easy", I said smugly.

You cast levioso, breaking through my shield immediately which immediately shocked me. I've been practising for years, but you on your first day at Hogwarts seem like you've been duelling since the first year.

"This can't be your first duel", I gasped.

You shrugged, "let's just say I'm a quick learner."

The two of you continued to duel until you were able to throw me off the elevated stage, ending the duel. You walked towards me as I stood up brushing myself off.

"Not bad for a beginner. You give as good as you get", I chuckled and walked off, leaving you to talk with Professor Hecat.

'She might just be', I thought and decided to wait for you to finish your conversation Hecat.

"I enjoyed that", you smiled.

I returned the smile, "that duel was quite something. Everyone'll be talking about it."

"It was good practice."

"Practice? Felt more like I was duelling an expert."

I watched as the colour rose to your cheeks.

"Are you blushing?"

"What? No! I have no idea what you're talking bout."

Sensing you get redder, I put my face closer towards you, causing you to blush more which caused me to throw my head back laughing.

"Oh my god!", I said in between laughs, "you totally are blushing."

You waved me off and I could see how easily I could annoy you.

"Oh come on, I'm just joking with you", I came behind you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.

"You know, you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned duelling organisation."

"Exclusive and unsanctioned? Count me in."

"Excellent. Knew I was right about you. If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you're going to need to break the rules now and then."

"Whether it's joining a secret duelling club or sneaking into the Restricted Section of the Library - you must just be clever to not get caught."

You thanked me for the new insight and we exited the classroom as we made our way to the secret duelling club.

"So? Did you know you'd be sorted into Slytherin?" You asked me.

"I did. Mother always said I was a carbon copy of my dad, who happened to be a Slytherin."

"I see."

"Plus my sister who got sorted before you was sorted into Slytherin, so I figured that cemented the house I was in."

"Well, here we are - Hey, Lucan!" I called out.

"Ah Sebastian", he turned to see you beside me, "can I help you?"

You looked at me, hoping that I would speak for you but as the person I am, I stepped aside, indicating that you were on your own as you let out an annoyed sigh.

"Sebastian told me to see you about a club."

"Well if Sebastian vouches for you, that's all I need to know."

"So did you want to solo or go with a partner?"

You pointed your attention towards me, "partner."

I grinned towards you and thus began a friendship you were unaware would become more.

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